6. 사도행전 - 역사적 선례의 문제
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사도행전의 분류


n, "Christians and Jews opposed Paul's mission is to defend the position will" guess the right, opposite to those of Paul's argument that they can afford dwitbachimhae fact, as soon as the first generation of Christians the Jewish people the fact that a life lived in faithful allies in the empire will continue. However, the author's intention was not so negative and passive see eurirago. Above all, the fact that his main interests appear to be positive. The author wrote his Gospel according to Article 3 as Christians to educate and civilize the author of Acts is hayeotdaneun. The author directly for this purpose, the word of God in Rome, "so boldly without any interference" sonorous waves of the day to tell him to talk. The authors emphasize the role of religion to Christianity by any chance yudagyo needing to tend to the opposite. Conversely, the circumcision of Christians, Jews who faithfully gyojeok by respected sex, uncircumcised brothers side, they'll lose at all to criticize the choice. The author is essentially one of unity and communion. He came to India on the Church of the Holy Spirit, "with one heart and one will" live like the church of Jerusalem was called is called
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2010.02.17
  • 저작시기2009.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#583365
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