최신 디자인 서비스 계약서 사례 (DESIGN SERVICE AGREEMENT)
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최신 디자인 서비스 계약서 사례 (DESIGN SERVICE AGREEMENT)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


최신디자인 서비스 계약서사례
범 주

최신디자인 서비스 계약서사례


Article 1. Design Services
Article 2. Placement and Acceptance of Order
Article 3. Reporting
Article 4. Proprietary Right of Inventions, etc.
Article 5. Secrecy Clause
Article 6. Prices
Article 7. Transfer of Outcome (적절하게 변용하여 사용)
Article 8. Termination of Agreement
Article 9. Period
Article 10. Language
Article 11. Dispute or Controversy Settlement


r shall transfer to the Company all the outcomes obtained in the process of the design of goods such as data, specification, listings of standards and components, drawing s, etc. at the request of the Company.
7.2 The Company may freely utilize, take benefit and/or dispose of all the outcomes on the designs of goods transferred from Designer without any restriction from Designer.
7.3 The Designer shall not use the outcomes prescribed in Paragraph 7.1 for its own use or third party’s.
7.4 Either party that breaches any terms and conditions specified hereof in this Agreement shall indemnify the other party for 50% of contractual amount specified in Section 6 of this Agreement.
Article 8. Termination of Agreement
This Agreement may be terminated with one month’s prior written notice for termination from either party, in which case the Company will pay the Designer for the design works completed/done up to the termination of this Agreement.
Article 9. Period
9.1 This Agreement shall be valid for one year from the date of this Agreement unless earlier terminated as set forth in Article 8 above. This Agreement shall be automatically extended for successive one year terms unless either party gives the other its intention of objecting to the extension one month prior to the expiration of the initial or extension period of this Agreement.
9.2 Although this Agreement expires in accordance with this Article, the Company and the Designer shall still be bound by the obligation of relevant Separate Note as long as the Separate Note prescribed in Article 2 of this Agreement remains valid, and this Agreement shall be valid to the extent the relevant Separate Note is concerned.
(제2조 발주서가 있는 경우 적용)
Article 10. Language
This Agreement may be executed in English and in other languages (including Korean). In the event of any difference or inconsistency among different versions of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail over in all respect.
Article 11. Dispute or Controversy Settlement
11.1 When an unexpected matter not stipulated in this Agreement or in the Separate Note occurs or any dispute or controversy develops between STC and MVC in connection with this Agreement or the Separate Note, STC and MVC shall consult and solve it with sincerity.
1안: 원칙적으로 대한상사중재원의 중재를 통해 분쟁해결
2안: 상대방이 자기 나라의 중재기관을 이용하도록 요구하는 경우에 절충적 방법에 의하되 한국 기업이 제소할 가능성이 많은 경우 이용 가능(한중 기업간의 예)
3안: 상대방이 자기 나라의 중재기관을 이용하도록 요구하는 경우에 절충적 방법에 의하되 상대방 기업이 제소할 가능성이 많은 경우 가능(한일 기업간의 예)
All disputes related to this contract shall be finally settled by arbitration in the country of the respondent. In case the respondent is (Korean enterprise), the arbitration shall be held at the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board. In case the respondent is (Japanese enterprise), the arbitration shall be held at the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association.
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is made in duplicate and each party shall retain a copy thereof.
The Company The Designer
Name : Name:
Title : Title :


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2013.10.14
  • 저작시기2013.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#885601
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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