현대 한국의 가족: 전통적 한국 가족형태 장점들의 상실_근거, 예시, 사례
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현대 한국의 가족: 전통적 한국 가족형태 장점들의 상실_근거, 예시, 사례에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Title-Modern Korean family-loosing advantages of traditional Korean family

1. Introduction:Modern Korean family is loosing some strong points of traditional family

2. Body
2-1)Reason1 and supporting details:Less strong bond among family members
2-2)Reason2 and supporting details:Less chances to learn indirect experience of society with smaller number of family
2-3)Reason3 and supporting details: Less opportunities for children to learn lots of things from their grand parents

3.Conclusion: Summarization&personal opinion


things compared to traditional family. While people knew every single minor event that happened to their family members in traditional family, it is not anomalous that parents don't know what did their child do today in modern family. Secondly, due to the changes in the number of family members, kids today are replacing family relationship that we could experience in the past to a one way relationship with electronic devices. According to the research that was conducted by one of the broadcasting station of Korea, EBS, more than half of the student said computer is the most important thing even more than their families and friends. One of the reasons was that computers never make them annoying because computers just do what they ordered without talking back to them unlike communicating with people. That kind of opinion is because of their childhood with appliances without interacting with their brothers and sisters. Lastly. with the significant change of household composition, there are less kids who live with their grandparents although there are lots of advantages like better intelligence and expansion of imagination. Consequently, although some people think change of family in some aspects is beneficial following the socal changes, there are some noticeable advantages that we are loosing like strong bond, early socialization and learning
Modern Korean family-loosing advantages of traditional Korean family
wisdom from grandparents compared to traditional Korean family.
  • 가격1,700
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2016.10.10
  • 저작시기2013.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1011254
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