오픽 IM 대박자료
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


오픽 IM 대박자료에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 자기 소개
2. 학교
3. 수업
4. 사는 곳
5. 동네 및 이웃
6. 영화 보기
7. 공연, 콘서트 보기
8. 스포츠 관람
9. 음악 감상하기
10. 농구/야구/축구
11. 조깅하기/걷기
12. 국내, 해외 여행


jogging at there because there are many water taps.
1) 조깅을 할 때 필요한 준비와 주의할 점
As a jogger, what items do you use or wear when you go jogging? What safety precautions do you take to avoid injury?
I like jogging because I can get fresh air.
When I go for a jog, I always wear a pair of running shoes.
It is important to wear shoes that fit well to avoid injuries.
Also, I always bring a bottle of water.
When you go jogging, you should drink lots of water.
You should also takes occasional breaks.
3) 걷기에 관심을 갖게 된 계기
What do you like about walking? Why did you first become interested in it? How does walking make you feel?
I first became interested in walking when I decided to lose some weight.
I needed to exercise more often.
I like walking because it\'s not difficult.
Usually, I go walking with my friends.
After walking, I fell very healthy and full of energy.
4) 걷기 중에 있었던 기억에 남는 경험
Please describe a memorable experience you had while walking. Explain what happened and why it was so memorable.
I go walking on weekends.
The most memorable experience was when I sprained my ankle.
I was walking with my friends.
I didn\'t warm-up before I start.
As a result, I sprained my ankle and I have to go the hospital.
From this experience, I always warm up before start walking.
12. 국내, 해외 여행
1) 좋아하는 여행 장소
What are your favorite places to visit and why do you like them?
My favorite place is Jaju Island.
I like going there because it is warm and the scenery is beautiful.
Also, the local food is very delicious.
Last year, I went there with my girlfriend and we had a great time.
Another place I like is Seorak Mountain.
It is one of the highest mountains in my country.
I enjoy visiting this mountain in the fall because the leaves are very colorful.
2) 여행가기 전 준비
Before you travel, what do you usually prepare for your trip? What things do you include in your luggage? Please list a few items you take with you.
Before a trip, I usually make a list of things to peak.
I make sure to bring my camera.
I usually put it in my bag.
I also bring some maps of the places I want to visit.
Lastly, before I leave, I charge my cell phone.
I use my phone to listen to music and check my e-mail while I travel.
3) 처음 해외 여행을 갔던 장소, 시기, 사람
More and more people are traveling abroad these days. When did you first travel abroad? Where did you go and who did you go with?
The first time I traveled abroad was when I was 23 years old.
I went to Shang-hi with my friends.
We visited many traditional temples.
We also spent a day shopping at the department store.
During the trip, I took a lot of pictures.
4) 기억에 남는 여행 경험
You must have had a trip that was particularly memorable. Describe that trip and tell me why it was unforgettable.
The most memorable trip was when I went to Shang-hi.
I was 23 years old and I went there with my friends.
We visited many traditional temples.
We also spent a day shopping at the department store.
During the trip, I took a lot of pictures.
It was one of my best trip ever.


오픽,   OPIC,   opic,   오픽 im,   opic im,  
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2020.12.28
  • 저작시기2012.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1142570
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