Jar test 자테스트 실험방법
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, A., K.M Mills, “Rapid-Mix Design for Mechanisms of Alum Coagulation,” Journal AWWA, 74, 210-216, 1982.
Amirtharajah, A., M.M. Clark, R.R. Trussell (eds.) Mixing in Coagulation and Flocculation. American Water Works Research Foundation, Denver CO, 1991.
Bell-Ajy, K., M. Abbaszadegan, E. Ibrahim, D. Verges, and M. LeChevallier, “Conventional and Optimized Coagulation for NOM Removal,” Jour. AWWA, 92, 10, 44-58, 2000.
Hudson, H.E., “Water Clarification Processes,”Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1981.
Lawler, D.F., “Removing Particles in Water and Wastewater,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 20(9), 856-861, 1986.
Mackrle, S., “Mechanism of Coagulation in Water Treatment,” Jour. SED, ASCE, 88:5A3, 1, May 1962.
O’Melia, C. R., “A Review of the Coagulation Process,” Public Works,100, 87, 1969. Stumm, W., C.R. O’Melia, “Stoichiometry of Coagulation,” Jour. AWWA, May, 514-539, 1968.
Vrijenhoek, E.M, A.E. Childress, M. Elimelech, T.S. Tanaka, and M.D. Beuhler, “Removing Particles and THM Precursors by Enhanced Coagulation,” Jour. AWWA, 90, 4, 139, 1998.
White, M.C., J.D. Thompson, G.W. Harrington, and P.C. Singer, “Evaluating Criteria for Enhanced Coagulation Compliance,” Jour. AWWA, 89, 5, 64-77, 1997.
  • 가격2,200
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2021.12.06
  • 저작시기2021.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1159355
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