우리들의 일그러진 영웅(영화/책 비교분석)
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□ 제 목 : 소설 <우리들의 일그러진 영웅>과 각색 영화의 비교
□ 총 페이지수 : 52
□ 목 차:

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원작인 소설을 개작하여 영화화하는 배경에는 첫째, 소설이 이미 대중에게 잘 알려져 있어서 그 원작의 명성을 배경으로 작품을 대중화하고자 하는 경우, 둘째, 소설이 별로 알려져 있지 않더라도 그 우수성을 깨우치고자 한 경우가 있다. 그러나 소설을 원작으로 영화화한 경우 그 주제나 작품 의미, 효과가 달라진다는 것은 피할 수 없는 일이다. 책을 읽은 독자와 영화를 본 관객의 작품에 대한 이해는 여러모로 차이가 난다. 그것은 소설이 문자를 매개로 독자의 상상력이 개입할 틈을 열어줌으로써 완성되는 반면에 영화는 영상 언어를 제한된 시간 내에 집중적으로 전달함으로써 메시지를 전달하게 되기 때문이다. 그러므로 영화가 소설과 다르게 이야기되어 소설 원작의 의미를 제대로 살리지 못한다고 비판하는 일반적 태도는 옳지 못한 것일 수 있다. 개작영화가 비판받을 수 있는 것은 원작의 의미를 살리지 못


그레엄 터너 , 『대중영화의 이해』, 임재철 외 옮김, 한나래, 1997.
소설 <우리들의 일그러진 영웅>, 『87이상문학상작품집』, 문학사상사, 1987.
영화 <우리들의 일그러진 영웅>, 박종원 감독 1992년도 대동흥업 제작 작품.
각본 <우리들의 일그러진 영웅> 장현수·박종원 ,《영화예술》1992. 5.
《영화예술》 1992. 5월호.- 8월호 (합본), 영화예술사,1999.
◈ Abstract
A Study of the 'Wirkungsintention' in Yi Mun Yeol's novel, Our Twisted Hero and its film version
Myung-Hwan Han
This study purposes to compare the 'wirkungsintention' of a novel (Our Twisted Hero, 1987) and that of a film of same name (Our Twisted Hero, 1992). And also this study purposes to illuminate the relation between popular responses and the narrative attitude of two works to consider for the most part the "Erwartungshorizont".
First of all, In the novel, the 'wirkungsintention' almost represent by the use of allegory. The problem of the korean political movement to the western style was issued by the use of that allegory. The image of a 'new teacher' and a 'primary school class' were distorted by allegorical intention. Narrator of the novel (identified by readers) was addicted to the conservertive attitude and confused by tring to exaggerate the korean traditional value, human virtue in the novel. Consequently a few students could not the writer's deep intention but they tried to catch the sense about the uglity in the crowd consciousness. Intentional allegorical device of the novel produced the closed conscious structure, such as a evil circulation from self-contempted to the denied-other. As a result, there should be remained a weak intelligent being buried in paranoiac syndrom under an obssesion in of past trauma in the middel of the that structure. Mutually, the wirkungsintention of the film plot of same name maybe seems desirable and positive. The film objectively tried to reflect the political confict of the society in 1959-1960. The characters had partly appeared in confront by both camera narrative point and voice-over (off-Erz bler) point but conclusionally they brought into focus to the thematic issue "What means the social justice ?" Film makers intentionally changed the novel to catch the realistic phase. A new innocent character Kim Young Pal has a role as objective cirterion, in only a film except a novel. In the last scene, the despotic image of Um suk-dae replaced with the big flower ornamentation was confronted to the democratic image of the teacher kim changed as a politician (teacher kim had taught truth and democracy spirit.) Besides, Han Byung Tae in tight in the last scene tells that the fight becomes yet unended.
In conclusion, one narrator in the novel had skepticlly addicted to the past has reached to obtain the sympaty and a pity from a lot of readers, but the other narrator(camera) in the film has succeed to attract spectators to structual recognition between past and present. By these intentional comparative analysis, we come to a conclusion that the dialectical recognition through the historical consciousness was realized in the film "Our Twisted Hero".
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수52페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.05
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#195634
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