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Ⅰ. 문제제기
Ⅱ. 동아시아 모델에 대한 기존 논의들
: 비판적 검토
1. 신고전파 경제학의 시장중심적 접근
2. 발전주의 국가론의 국가중심적 접근
3. 유교자본주의론의 문화중심적 접근
4. 소결
Ⅲ. 새로운 동아시아론의 모색
1. 이론적 자원
(1) Krugman의 논의
(2) Hart-Landsburg의 논의
(3) 정실자본주의론(Crony capitalism)
2. 새로운 동아시아론의 모색


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임현진, 1997, "종속이론은 죽었는가?", 한국산업사회학회, 『경제와 사회』, 겨울호, 한울
조희연, 1997, "동아시아 성장론의 검토 : 발전국가론을 중심으로", 한국산업사회학회, 『경제와 사회』, 한울, 겨울호
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홍덕률, 1998a, "IMF 부른 한국 자본주의의 모순 : 한국자본주의와 재벌", 역사문제연구소, 『역사비평』, 여름호
───, 1998b, "김대중정부의 개혁 평가와 지역사회", 대구참여연대 주최 토론회 발표 논문(1998. 11. 25)
Amsden, Alice, 1989, Asia's Next Giant : South Korea and Late Industrialization, Oxford Univ. Press
Bardhan, Pranab, 1997, "Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues", Journal of Economic Literature, September
Bello, Walden & Stephanie Rosenfeld, 1990, Dragons in Distress : Asia's Miracle Economies in Crisis, Institute for Food and Development Policy
Bello, Walden, 1998, "The End of the Asian Miracle", The Nation, Jan. 12--19
Clegg, Stuart, Winston Higgins & Tony Spybey, 1990, "Post-Confucianism, Social Democracy, and Economic Culture" (공유식·김혁래·박길성·유홍준 편저, 1994, 『신경제사회학의 이해』, 제 7장, 나남)
Evans, Peter, 1996, State-Society Synergy: Government and Social Capital in Development, University of California Press
Fields, Karl J., 1995, Enterprise and the State in Korea and Taiwan, Cornell Univ. Press
Hart-Landsberg, Martin, 1993, The Rush to Development : Economic Change and Political Struggle in South Korea, New York: Monthly Review Press
─────────── , 1998, "The Asian Crisis: Causes and Consequences", Against the Current, February
Hart-Landsberg, Martin & Paul Burkett, 1996, "The left-liberal consensus on Japan", vol. 48. September
Hong, Duck-Ryul, 1998, "Economic Crisis in Korea: Causes and Remedies", Presented at a Conference at UCR(1998.4.9), Unpublished paper
Johnson, Chalmers, 1982, MITI and the Japanese Miracle: the Growth of Japanese Industrial Policy, 1925 -- 1975, Stanford Univ. Press
Kim, Dae-Jung, 1994, "Is Culture Destiny : The Myth of Asia's Anti-Democratic Values", Foreign Affairs, Nov./Dec. Vol. 73, No. 6
Kim, Eun Mee, 1987, "From Dominance to Symbiosis : State and Chaebol in Korean Development, 1960 - 1980", Ph.D. Dissertation, Brown University
────────, 1997, Big Business, Strong State : Collusion and Conflict in South Korean Development : 1960--1990, State University of New York Press
Krugman, Paul, 1994, "The Myth of Asia's Miracle", Foreign Affairs, Nov./Dec. Vol. 73, No. 6
───────, 1998, "What happened to Asia?", January (from Internet)
Migdal, Joel S., 1988, Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations ad State Capabilities in the Third World. Princeton Univ. Press
Wade, Robert, 1990, Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in Taiwan's Industrialization. Princeton Univ. Press
Weber, Max, 1958, The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism, New York: Scriber's
Wei-Ming, Tu ed., 1996, Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity, Harvard Univ. Press
World Bank, 1990, Trends in Developing Economies 1990, Washington, DC: World Bank
------------, 1993, The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, Oxford Univ. Press
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.19
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#196517
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