포르투칼과의 축구경기 관전에 대한 영어 감상문
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□ 제 목 : 영어 감상문
□ 총 페이지수 : 1
□ 목 차:

`Ugly surroundings of a great sculptor`
Harvey Merrick was born in Sand City. But he had learned and lived in the other city.. It`s the dey point that Harvey Merrick could overcome his ugly surroundings and survive.
Sand City where he was born and had grew up is very strange to our standards.
First of all, looking about his family, each character are unusual. His mother, Mrs. Merrick`s appearance is tall, corpulent. She has a kind of power about her face- a kind of brutal handsomeness. The daughter is also tall but flat and angular. As we can know from these characters, the mother and daughter make atmospheres brutal, violent and stick. They showed exaggerated sadness for his death. On contrast his father, Mr. Merrick looks soft, timid unlike other men. A character and a role of each genders are exchanged in his home. Maybe he could get a stability of mind and a motherhood only from servant Roxy who was weeping silently for his death.


to be. But Harvey didn't come back. He had kept his greatness being criticized from his family and neighborhood. So that he could achieve his greatness and be a great sculptor not to remain 'ugly',


  • 가격800
  • 페이지수2페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.21
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#196653
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