한국기독교 미술의 역사적 변천과 토착화 노력
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I. 토착화와 기독교 미술
1) 기독교 신학의 토착화 논의
2) 기독교 미술에 적용된 토착화
(1) 기독교 미술의 토착화
(2) 기독교미술의 토착화의 원칙은 가능한가

II. 토착화 개념으로 읽는 한국기독교미술의 역사
1)한국기독교미술의 시대적 분류
(1) 1880년대 이전: 기독교미술의 유입기
(2) 1880년대 - 1910년: 한국기독교미술 태동기
(3) 1910년 - 1945년: 기독교미술의 대중화 초기 단계
(4) 1945년 -1965년: 개인적 활동기
(5) 1965년 이후: 기독교 미술의 조직적 발전기
(6) 1980년대: 현실속의 기독교미술 - 민중미술의 도전
(7) 1990년 이후: 포스트모던 시대의 기독교미술


ea of indigenization has sprouted up by Korean Christian artists.
In the early period of Christian history in Korea missionaries were the main providers of insights for indigenization. But later, artists themselves expressed their own understanding of Christian arts through their works. It is debatable what kind of arts could be categorized as indigenized Christian arts. Therefore, it is necessary to set forth a certain rules with which we can use differentiating Christian arts from indigenized Christian arts. Indigenization in arts can be understood as adoptation and modification of styles and contents of traditional arts in tune with the characteristics of traditional or unique artistic sense of the country. Along with this basic understanding, the author suggested a few other principles of indigenization such as the spirituality and historical consciousness of artists, and excellence of their arts.
In order to take a glance over the historical development of Korean Christian arts, it would be effective to demarcate time-periods, centering around historical events such as nationwide persecutions of Catholics, freedom of foreign religion, colonization, Korea War, the establishment of the Association of Korean Christian Artists, and emergence of Minjung arts. The following is the time-periods that this article sets to view the whole range of Christian art history in Korea.
(1) Prior to 1880 the Introduction of Christian Arts
(2) 1880s -- 1910 the Beginning of Korean Christian Arts
(3) 1910 -- 1945 the Initial Phase of Popularization of Christian Arts
(4) 1945 -- 1965 the Individual Activities by Artists
(5) After 1965 the Systematic Development of Christian Arts : the
establishment of the Association of Korean Christian Artists
(6) 1980s Christian Arts in reality -- Challenge of Minjung Arts
(7) 1990s Christian Arts in the Post-modern Period
The categories above mentioned do not deal with various types of arts, but they show a few important characteristics in relation to the theme of indigenization. Before 1980s a typical form of indigenized Christian arts was to draw Korean figures and Korean traditional costumes instead of western people and their clothes. Christian traditional symbols were sometimes replaced by Korean symbols and artifacts, but contents and overall structure were remained the same as those of western Christian arts. In the beginning of 1980s political and social changes of Korean society generated Minjung arts which were totally different from the previous concepts of Christian arts. Through their art works they made serious allegations of inequality and injustice which was rampant in this society. Although their basic motive and inner content were originated from the biblical tradition, the outer content and style of their arts were borrowed mainly from Korean traditional folk arts, and sometimes from Shamanism. Henceforth, the scope and limit of indigenization has widened far beyond than one had previously thought.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.30
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#197610
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