유럽 정세에 예속된 튜더시대의 영국 외교
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Ⅰ. 런던조약의 주요 내용

Ⅱ. 1510년대 영국 외교 정책에 관한 해석

Ⅲ. 유럽 각국의 안보 문제와 영국의 위치

Ⅳ. 유럽의 정세에 예속된 영국의 외교


arranged. With the treaty, England became the arbiter of the affairs of Christendom. This grandiose plan guaranteed mutual peace and defense in Europe for the first time in European history. It was a response to the urgent call of the Christian humanists for an end to incessant killings in Europe.
England took the initiative in concluding the treaty among the European kingdoms. This role was traditionally played by the pope. In a sense, England intercepted the traditional privilege of the pope in European diplomacy. The pope recognized this contempt. He, however, could not refuse the great causes that the treaty claimed: peace among the Christian kingdoms and the crusade against the Turks that could be materialized only by achieving the peace of Christendom. Henry VIII of England took advantage of the pope's weak points.
The other contrahents of the treaty also had their own weaknesses. Francis of France wanted Tournai back to solve their imminent security problems. Charles of Spain barely held the peace in insecure Spain and the Turk was attacking his Naples and Sicily. And Maximilian of the Holy Roman Empire needed English money. Understanding this situation, Henry pushed them to sign the treaty. His real aim, however, was hidden in the clauses of the treaty: Henry wanted to establish permanent security on the northern border. Scotland had invaded England many times with military assistance of France and the Duke of Albany, who was staying in France, seemed to frame a plot with France to invade England. England urged France not to allow Albany's return to Scotland and to give up French influence over Scotland permanently which France traditionally exercised. France could not reject English conditions of the treaty to recover Tournai with which France could solve its own security problems. England exchanged Tournai for the security of her northern border in the Treaty of London.
In the early sixteenth century, all of the European powers were interconnected with each other. England was not an exception, although she was separated from the continent by the channel. England was not secure from European powers and the prime agent of the continental forces in the isle was Scotland. Historians have disregarded this insecure nature of England in the interpretations of English diplomacy of the sixteenth century. Many historians of this period, for example, insisted that England held the balance of power in her hand. These unreasonable interpretations were the result of the Englishness or Anglo-centricism that is challenged by many contemporary historians.
England did not arrange the Treaty of London to enjoy controlling European diplomatic issues; England must solve imminent and urgent invasion from Scotland. Scotland had close relationship with many continental powers, such as France, Denmark and the pope. England could not eliminate Scottish threat by herself. English diplomacy of the 1510s can be appropriately understood only in European context.


유럽,   정세,   예속,   튜더시대,   영국
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수43페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.05
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#197847
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