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3. 자원평등론과 주관적 후생기회평등론

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있으며 주어진 상황의 구성원들의 실질적인 합의를 전제하고 있다는 점에서 각 구성원의 도덕심에 호소하는 바가 클 수 있다고 생각된다.
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Arneson R.(1990) "Liberalism, Distributive Subjectism, and Equal Opportunity for Welfare" Philosophy and Public Affairs 19:158-94
Cohen, G.A.(1989) "On the Currency of Eqalitarian Justice", Ethics, 99(4), July, 906-44
Cohen, G.A.(1993) "Equality of What? On Welfare, Goods, and Capabilities", in Nussbaum M. and Amartya Sen(ed.)(1993) 9-29
Dworkin, R.(1981a) "What is Equality? Part 1:Equality of Welfare." Philosophy and Public Affairs 10: 185-246
Dworkin, R.(1981b) "What is Equality? Part 2:Equality of Resources." Philosophy and Public Affairs 10: 283-345
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Hausman, D. M. and Michael s. Mcpherson(1996) Economic analysis and moral philosophy, Cambridge Univesity Press.
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Nussbaum M. and Amartya Sen(ed.)(1993) The Quality of Life : A study prepared for the World Institute for Development Economics Research(WIDER) of the United Nations University, Clarendon Press.
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Roemer, J.(1987), "Eqalitariansism, Responsibility, and information", Economics and Philosophy, 3, 215-44
Scanlon, T.(1975) "Preference and Urgency", Journal of Philosophy, LXXⅡ(19), November 6, 655-69
Scanlon, T.(1986) "Equality of Resources and Equilty of Welfare : A Forced Marriage?", Ethics, 97(1), October, 111-18
Sen, A.(1980) "Equality of What?", in Stering M. McMurrin(ed.), The Tanner Lecture on Human Values, Volume Ⅰ, University of Utah Press and Cambridge University Press, 197-220
Sen, A.(1985) "Well-being, Agency and Freedom: The Dewey Lecture 1984", Journal of Philosophy, LXXXⅡ(4), April, 169-221
Sen, A.(1981) ,"Plural Utility", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, LXXXⅠ, 193-215
Sen, A.(1992) Inequality and Reexamined, New York Clarendon Press.
Sen, A.(1993) "Capability and Well-Being", in Nussbaum M. and Amartya Sen(ed.)(1993) 30-53
Varian H.R.(1985) "Dworkin on Equality of Resources", Economics and Philosophy, 1, 110-25
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.06
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198069
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