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Vinick, B. H. & Ekerdt, D. J. (1989). Retirement and the family. Generation, 13, 33-56.
Vinick, B. H. & Ekerdt, D. J. (1992). Couple view retirement Activities: Expection Versus Experiences. In Szinovacz, M., Ekerdt, D. J., & Vinick, B.H.(Eds). Familes and Retirement (pp 129-144). Newbury Park: Sage.
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Journal of the Korea Gerontological Society
1999. Vol. 19, No. 1, 31∼44.
The Conjugal Characteristics and their Effects on Marital Satisfaction among the Couples with Retired Husbands
Hwa Yong Shin · Byung Eun Cho
Duksung Women's University · Korea National University of Education
The marital relationship plays a crucial function in most aged couple's lives. The objective of the study, based on a survey conducted among 178 couples with retired husbands, living in Seoul, was to delineate the relationship between the conjugal relations and the marital satisfaction.
In examining three aspects of marital relations; emotional support from spouse, involvement of household chores, and decision-making patterns, the study, first compared the perceived differences between husbands and wives in these areas and second evaluated their association with marital satisfaction.
The research finding has indicated no gender differences in the perceptions of emotional support from spouse and of sharing decision-making with spouse; however, the hushands' perception of their own involvement in the household chores scored higher than those of wives. Education, health, income and length of marriage of the couples have shown no significant impact on the couples' marital satisfaction. Of those marital characteristics, the emotional support from one's spouse has been found to be the most important factor in the marital satisfaction for both husbands and wives. Furthermore, the effect of emotional support on the marital satisfaction was greater for wives than for husbands.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.23
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#199114
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