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Stull, D. E., Kosloski, K. & Kercher, K(1994). Caregiver Burden and Generic Well-Being : Opposite Sides of the Same Coin?, The Gerontologist, 34(1), 88-94.
Suitor,J. J. & Pillemer, K.(1988). Explaining intergenerational conflict when adult children and elderly parents live together. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 1037-1047.
Waite, L. J., & Harrison, S. C.(1992). Keeping in touch : How women in mid-life allocate social contacts among kith and kin. Social forces, 70(3), 637-655.
Journal of the Korea Gerontological Society
1999. Vol. 19, No. 3, 1∼19.
The Impact of Support of Siblings on Caregiving Burden
of the Daughters-in law in Rural Korea
Lee, Jeong-Hwa · Han, Gyoung-Hae
Seoul National University
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of sibling supports on the caregiving burden of the daughters-in law who live with their parents-in-law. This study also examines the differences in the relationships between sibling support and caregiving burden by the birth-order of the husband of these daughters-in-law. In this study, the birth order is considered as a indicator through which we could infer the changes of caregiving, filial norm in Korea.
For these purposes, the data is gathered from 502 daughters-in-law who lives with at least one of their parents-in-law in rural area, using structured questionnaires. The statistical methods used for data analysis are descriptive statistics, cross tables, t-test, simple correlation, factor analysis, and regression with SPSSPC+ program.
The major findings of this study are as follows.
The overall level of caregiving burden of caregivers is lower than middle point in the scale, thus showing that the respondents of this study experience relatively low level of caregiving burden. It is also found that respondents perceive that their siblings are relatively cooperative in terms of parent care. They evaluate the amount of help from the siblings to elderly parents is moderate. There are differences in the factors influening the level of caregiver burden by the birth order of husbands of the respondents. The level of sibling support, marital status of elderly have significant impact on the care-giving burden among the eldest daughters-in-law. On the other hand, caregiving burden of the respondents whose husbands are later born sons are affected by the coresidence motive and emotional support from the siblings.
The result obtained from the study confirm that the supports of siblings play an important roles in terms of explaining the level of care-giving burden. Interesting finding is that the relationship between the sibling support and caregiver burden is different according to the birth order of the husbands of the respondents. It suggests that there is some continuity in terms of the traditional caregiving norm tied with son's birth order in the process and outcome of caregiving.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.23
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#199116
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