단군신화의 구조
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. 신화란 무엇인가

2. 이본(異本)의 문제

3. 신화적 사고와 과학적 사고

4. 신화 연구의 여러 학파들

5. 단군신화의 분석
(1) 단군신화의 우주론적 도식 1.
(2) 환웅이야기의 통과의례적 도식: 신에서 인간으로 이행.
(3) 웅녀이야기의 통과의례적 도식: 동물에서 인간으로 이행
(4) 단군신화의 우주론적 도식 2.

6. 결론

참고 문헌


왕검은 요임금이 왕위에 오른 지 50년인 경인년 (요임금의 즉위 원년은 무진년이니 50년은 정사이지 경인은 아니다. 아마 그것이 사실이 아닌 것 같다) 에 평양성 (지금의 서경) 에 도읍을 정하고 비로소 조선이라 불렀다. 또 다시 도읍을 백악산 아사달에 옮겼다. 그 곳을 궁 (혹은 방자로도 되어 있다) 홀산 또는 금미달이라 한다. 그는 1천5백 년 동안 여기서 나라를 다스렸다. 주나라 호왕[무왕]이 왕위에 오른 기묘년에 기자를 조선에 봉하니, 단군은 이에 장당경으로 옮아갔다가 후에 돌아와 아사달에 숨어서 산신이 되었는데, 나이가 1천9백8 살이었다고 한다.
紀異卷第一 古朝鮮 [王儉朝鮮]
魏書云 乃往二千載 有檀君王儉 立都 阿斯達 [經云 無葉山 亦云 白岳 在白州地 或云 在開城東 今白岳宮是] 開國號朝鮮 與高同時
古記云 昔有桓因 [謂帝釋也] 庶子桓雄 數意天下 貪求人世 父知子意 下視三危太伯 可以弘益人間 乃授天符印三箇 遣往理之 雄率徒三千 降於太伯山頂 [卽太伯 今妙香山] 神檀樹下 謂之神市 是謂 桓雄天王也 將風伯雨師雲師 而主穀主命主病主刑主善惡凡主人間三百六十餘事 在世理化
時有一熊一虎 同穴而居 常祈于神雄 願化爲人 時神遺靈 艾一炷 蒜二十枚曰 爾輩食之 不見日光百日 便得人形 熊虎得而食之 忌三七日 熊得女身 虎不能忌 而不得人身 熊女者 無與爲婚 故 每於檀樹下 呪願有孕 雄乃假化而婚之 孕生子 號曰 檀君王儉
以唐高卽位五十年庚寅 [唐高卽位元年戊辰 則五十年丁巳 非庚寅也 疑其未實] 都平壤城 [今西京] 始稱朝鮮 又移都於白岳山阿斯達 又名弓 [一作方] 忽山 又今彌達 御國一千五百年 周虎王卽位己卯 封箕子於朝鮮 檀君乃移於藏唐京 後還隱於阿斯達山神 壽一千九百八歲.
Wonder 1. Old Choson [왕검조선]
In the 위서 it is written, "Two thousand years ago 단군, otherwise called 왕검, chose 아사달 as his royal residence and founded a nation, calling it 조선, at the same period as legendary Chinese Emperor Yao."
In the Old Book it is written, "In ancient times 환인 had a young son whose name was 환웅. The boy wished to descend from heaven and live in the human world. His father, after examining three great mountains, chose 태백산 as a suitable place for his heavenly son to bring happiness to human beings. He gave 환웅 three heavenly treasures, and commanded him to rule over his people. With three thousand of his subjects 환웅 descended from heaven and appeared under a sandalwood tree on 태백 mountain. He named the place city of god and assumed the title of 환웅 heavenly king. He led his ministers of wind, rain and clouds in teaching the people more than 360 useful arts, including agriculture and medicine, inculcated moral principles and imposed a code of law.
"In these days there lived a she-bear and a tigress in the same cave. They prayed to 신웅 to be blessed with incarnation as human beings. The king took pity on them and gave them each a bunch of mugwort and twenty pieces of garlic, saying, 'If you eat this holy food and do not see the sunlight for one hundred days, you will become human beings.' The she-bear and the tigress took the food and ate it, and retired into the cave. In twenty-one days the bear, who had faithfully observed the king's instructions, became a woman. But the tigress, who had disobeyed, remained in her original form. But the bear-woman could find no husband, so she prayed under the sandalwood tree to be blessed with a child. 환웅 heard her prayers and married her. She conceived and bore a son who was called 단군왕검, the King of Sandalwood.
"In the fiftieth year of the region of legendary Chinese emperor Yao, in the year of 경인, 단군 came to 평양, set up his royal residence there and bestowed the name 조선 upon his kingdom. Later 단군 moved his capital to 아사달 on 태백산 and ruled 1500 years, until king Wu of Chou placed 기자 on the throne. When 기자 arrived, 단군 moved to 장당경 and then returned to 아사달, where he became a mountain god at the age of 1,908."
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2002.09.13
  • 저작시기2002.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#203144
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