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The Growth and Role of Sport Agency Business
Lee, Sang-chul·Kim, Byung-shik
(Leisure and Recreation Studies, Korean National University of Physical Education)
The sport agency business is a very interesting area. The purpose of the study was to consider the growth and role of sport agency business. The research method consists of the contents of a variety of journals, daily publications, textbooks, broadcasts, and so on based upon primary and secondary data. Thoughts expressed in herein are based upon: ① history of sport agency, ② growth of sport agency business, ③ representing individual athletes, ④ representing coaches, ⑤ sport agency firms, and ⑥ sport agent. In particular, the eight essential functions performed by sport agents are ① negotiating the athlete's or coach's contract, ② marketing the athletes, ③ negotiating the athlete's or coach's marketing and endorsement contracts, ④ financial planning, ⑤ career and postcareer planning, ⑥ dispute resolution, ⑦ legal counseling, and ⑧ personal care. Therefore, they should base upon the principle of market, constitutional renovation of each athletic federation, and successful case of sport advanced nations in order to activate sport agency in Republic of Korea. By incorporating these contents, therefore, they would promote sport industry.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수25페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.14
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#206414
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