가부장적인 틀안에서....: Beth Henley의 연극 세계
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제 1 장. 서 론

제 2 장. 본 론
제 1 절. Crimes of the Heart와 The Debutante Ball에 나타나는 가부장적인 틀
제 2 절. 여성의 자아 인식을 돕는 남성 인물들

제 3 장. 결 론


1, (March, 1993).
Woolf, Virginia, "A Room for One's Own" in Feminism: The Essential Historical Writing, ed. M. Schneir, (New York: Vintage, 1972).
Woman Awakening within Male-Oriented Framework
: The World of Beth Henley's Drama
Lee, Eun-Hee
Dept. of English Language & Literature
Graduate School, University of Seoul
Feminist drama, encouraged by the political and social atmosphere of the 1960's, emerged as a theatrical genre late in the decade. It mainly dealt with women's awakening. Feminist theater denied the traditional dramatic form and developed episodic structure to exhibit the female experience. Audience, however, could not understand feministic theory properly.
Beth Henley wrote realistic feminist drama in the traditional dramatic form. She deals with women's self-examination, and their conflicts and suffering within the family. Crimes of the Heart and The Debutante Ball aim to analyse patriarchal oppression and to focus on the bonds between mother and daughter, and between sisters. She also tries to give a new definition to the traditional dramatic territory. Futhermore, Henley uses the family play to portray the female quest for autonomy.
In Crimes of the Heart, Old Granddaddy, the MaGraths' father, and Zackery all represent the male-chauvinistic framework. The MaGraths' family was abandoned by their father, and they have been deformed by Old Granddaddy's desires : Lenny believes herself to be sterile and undesirable, Meg has had a brush with insanity and Babe has been battered by Zackery. The MaGraths' cousin Chick also had a role in preventing the MaGraths from bonding with each other. The influence of patriarchy is so strong that women as well as men can become most forceful advocates for it.
The MaGraths come to grip with the meaninglessness of a male-centered world. Then they begin to rename the world in their own terms, and try to create new life vision for women. The conflict and trouble resulting from the depressive education of a patriarchal structure are resolved through the women's unity. 'Sisterhood' is their starting point. In being able to recover their sisterhood, they will be able to affect each other, and develop and change their own lives.
Henley's plays also provide an alternative to the traditional comic resolution in which the women get married. The plays' conclusion points to a rebirth of identity through female solidarity and family bonding. In Crimes of the Heart, through the vision of the three sisters smiling and laughing together, they seem to learn how to get over their past.
Henley also emphasizes the importance of men's role im the process of women's awaking and renaming. Men's denial of the female has created patriarchal culture. If women deny men, it makes another form of "patriarchal" culture. Life for both sexes calls for great courage and strength. Henley seems to suggest in her plays that meaning of life for both sexes could perhaps be realized by the united effort of both.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수30페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.04
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#210339
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