개혁개발이후 중국의 사회주의 교육관 고찰
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1. 들어가는말

2. 개혁개발과 등소평의 사회주의 교육관
1. 실사구시
2. 과학기술은 제 1의 생산력
3. 3개면향
4. 지식 및 인재의 존중
5. 전면발달과 사회주의 신인이 배양
6. 교육과 생산노동의 결합

3. 논의
1. 개획 경제하의 교육과 개혁개방이후 시장 경제하의 교육의 차이문제
2. 개혁개방이후 사회주의사상, 이년교육의 문제
3. 정통마르크스 레닌주의의 변용과 중국교육 변동문제


이 되어서 만들어진 것이라고 할 수 있다. 특히 등소평에 의해 출발된 시장경제체제는 중국교육에 계획경제 때와는 다른 새로운 교육적 상황을 교육현장에 가져다 주고 있다. 이러한 교육적 변화의 모습이 바람직한 것인지, 아닌지는 그 누구도 장담할 수는 없다. 또 앞으로 어떤 모습으로 중국교육이 변해갈지는 아무도 알 수는 없다. 분명한 것은 중국교육이 시장경제의 체제에 맞도록 계속적인 자기 변신의 과정을 계속할 것이라는 점이다.
참 고 문 헌
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구자억. (1997). 「중국의 교육」, 서울: 원미사.
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朱新春 外. (1994). 「敎育學」, 北京: 人民敎育出版社.
中國共産黨中央委員會, 「關于經濟體制改革的決定」.
中共中央文獻硏究室編. (1992). 「鄧小平:關于設有中國特色社會主義的論述專題摘編」, 北京: 中央文獻出版社.
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Educational Views in China: The Relationship Between Deng Xiaoping and Chinese Education
Gu, Ja Oek*
The purpose of this study is to find out the change of Chinese educational concerns and philosophy by analysing Deng xiaoping's educational views. This could contribute to our knowledge about Chinese education, which is scant at best.
Although Deng is no longer alive, it is impossible to explain the Chinese educational view, or the socialist educational view without mentioning Deng. Deng's writings and opinions on education has profoundly influenced Chinese education, and continues to do so.
Deng's views on education can be roughly divided as follows;
First, he tried to solve educational problems by relying upon practice(that is, praxis)
Second, education is believed to be the most important factor in socio-economic development
Third, Deng asserted that education should focus on modernization, globalization, and the future so as to meet the demands of Chinese education in constructing a socialist country
Fourth, he gives clear descriptions of what personnel is needed in a socialist country
* Associate Fellow, KEDI
Fifth, he utilized the communist educational theory which unites education and productive labor.
According to these five views, it is evident that Deng believed that education should be fostered to develop the economy, and that education should be a socialist one, which trains the personnel needed for a communist country.
Deng's influence on Chinese education can be found in various documents such as Determination on Chinese educational reform by Chinese communist party and Chinese educational reform and developmental doctrine.
Determination on Chinese educational reform by Chinese communist party which is a guide to Chinese educational reform reveals Deng's thought in every aspect. 「Chinese educational reform and development」shows Deng's assertion that education is the key concept for the construction of a socialist country.
In short, Deng's educational view is not a personal view but a national policy or guiding philosophy for China. Therefore it can be said that China's socialist educational view is based on Deng's educational view.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수21페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.16
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#212123
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