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I. 기업 자원봉사의 정의
II. 기업 자원봉사의 이론
III. 기업 자원봉사의 원칙
VI. 기업의 자원봉사 사례 연구 - 삼성 그룹내 두 회사의 경우
V. 우리 나라 기업 자원봉사의 바람직한 방향
VI. 결어



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Corporate Volunteerism
Min-sun Sung
Dept. of Social Wefare
The Catholic University of Korea
Corporate volunteersim may be defined as a part of social services conducted by the employees who donate time, efforts, or any other talents they might have for the community service. Unlike philanthropy or charity, characterized as giving money or fund by the company, voluntary services provided by the employed workers in a given company have brought great impacts on the quality of life for the volunteers, on the solution of community problems as well as on the reputation of the company itself.
This study examines a few theoretical ideas that may explain why corporate volunteersim is considered a necessity. They include: social systems theory, theory of corporate citizenship and, the enlighted self-interest theory.
Based on the results of the case study of two well-known companies of Sam Sung Group which has led corporate volunteerism in Korea for the last several years, the author makes suggestions and recommendations for the future activation of corporate volunteerism in Korea where the spirit of volunteerism is hardly found.



  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수29페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.22
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#212895
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