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절이라고 부르는 삽입절 형식과 같은 다른 구조들,예를 들어 They can all be trusted, I hope.

비인칭의 형태에서 사람들은 288-92에서 논의한 바와 같이 1인칭 대명사를 포함하는 것들보다는 확실성이나 가능성 등을 표현하는 방법의 사용을 더 선호한다. 따라서 It is certain...과 It is unlikely...는 I am certain... 이나 I doubt... 의 비인칭의 다른 형태가 될 수 있을 것이다.
Polly knew (that) she was being watched.
You know what I'm like: I hate a big fuss.
I am certain/sure (that) the party will be a success.
∼The party will be a success, I'm sure.
They were (absolutely) convinced (that) they would succeed.
of their success.
It is obvious/clear/plain (to us all) that he has suffered a great deal.
∼He has clearly/oviously/plainly suffered a great deal.
We do not doubt that he is honest.
∼We have no doubt of his honesty.
Doubtless it doesn't always rain at Barnard Castle: that's just the way it seems.
의문이나 불확실성
의문은 확실성의 반대 개념이다:
I am not certain/sure/convinced that he deserves promotion.
∼I am not certain/sure whether he deserves promotion.
They were uncertain/unsure (of) who was to blame.
I doubt if many people will come to the meeting.
∼I don't think many people will come to the meeting.
There were some doubts about your pricing policy.
We have doubts about the risks everyone is thking.
They were uncertain of/about the best course to take.
소신, 의견 그리고 유사한 의미들
. 소신, 의견
I believe (that) the lecture was well attended.
∼The lecture was well attended, I believe.
She thinks (that) she can dictate to everybody.
It was everybody's opinion that the conference was a success.
It's my belief that cars will disappear from our roads on day.
In my opinion, he was driving the car too fast.
You may consider yourselves lucky.
She was thought/believed/considered to be the richest woman in Europe.
부가 의문문은 특히 떨어지는 어조와 함께 하나의 의견을 표현하는데 사용될 수 있다.
He was driving too fast, wasn't he?

'의견'과 '소신' 사이에는 작은 차이가 있다: 의견은 보통 누군가가 관찰이 과 판단의 기초에 도달하는 것을 의미한다.:
It's my belief that he drinks too much. ('I don't know how much he drinks, but...')
It's my opinion that he drinks too much. ('I know how much he drinks, and in my judgement, it's too much'.)
. 추측
we assume/suppose that you have received the package.
All the passengers, I presume, have been warned about the delay.
∼All the passengers have presumably been warned about the delay.
'현재 예측'의 의미에서 will은 다음과 같이 사용될 수 있다:
I assume you will all have heard the news.
. 외관
It seems/appears (to me) that no one noticed his escape.
∼No one seems/appears to have noticed his escape.
∼Appearently, no one noticed his escape.
It looks as if he's ill. <다소 비형식적> (여기서 looks는 단지 보이는 외 관을 언급한다.)

like는 <비형식적인 미국영어>의 마지막 예문에서의 as if로 대체될 수 있다.영국영어에서 접속사로서 이러한 like의 사용은 덜 사용된다.
위의 296번에서 보여진 유형의 that절에서 이동된 부정표현은 흔한 일이다. 이런 식으로 우리는 'I think he hasn't arrived.' 대신에 'I don't think he has arrived.'를 더 선호한다.
이러한 세 영역의 짧아진 대답의 모습들 즉, 소신 등을 목적으로 하는 절은 대개 so로 대신 할 수 있음을 주목하라:
I think so.
I suppose so.
[A] Has the race been postponed? [B] It seems so.
Apparently so.
I don't think so.
(여기서 so는 '(that) the race has been postponed'를 대체한다.)


영문법,   사실,   가정,   중립
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2003.01.24
  • 저작시기2003.01
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#220725
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