청소년기 태권도 수련과 자아개념 형성과의 관계
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1. 서론

2. 이론적 배경
1) 자아개념의 의미
2) 청소년기의 자아개념
3) 태권도 수련의 의미

3. 연구방법
1) 변인구성
2) 연구대상
3) 측정도구
4) 조사절차 및 자료분석

4. 연구결과
1) 수련여부에 따른 자아개념 비교
2) 성(性)에 따른 자아개념의 비교
3) 수련자의 학년에 따른 자아개념의 관계
4) 수련형태에 따른 자아개념 비교

5. 결론 및 제언


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정원식(1996). 자아개념검사지 검사법요강. 코리안테스팅쎈터.
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A Study on the Relation Adolescent Taekwondo Practicing and Shaping of Their Self-Concept
Park, Soon-Ho Paik, Kwang-Hyun Lee, Jeong-Dae
The purpose of this study is to review how Taekwondo, a product of the unique Korean sports culture, serves to shape the self-concept or personality of the young people who are subject to a rapid psychological and social changes as well as physical ones in this modern society changing in a diverse and rapid manner.
The results of this study obtained through such procedures and analysis can be summarized as follows;
First, the effect of Taekwondo practice on self-concept does not differ significantly among subjects depending on their Taekwondo practice, school grade, length of practicing time, level of grade, and certificate of grade.
Second, the effect of Taekwondo practice on self-concept differs significantly among subjects depending on their genders.
Third, the effect of Taekwondo practice on self-concept differs significantly among subjects depending on their practicing styles.
Based on the above results of the study, it is deemed necessary to study the various effects of adolescent Taekwondo practice on their self-concept and thereby, develop its guidance theories and practicing programs on a continual basis, as the patterns of their Taekwondo practice change under the changing social conditions. Lastly, it is hoped that future studies would review the effects of adolescent Taekwondo practicing on their harmonious and desirable physical and mental development by taking into consideration their various important adolescent characteristics.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2004.09.20
  • 저작시기2004.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#268011
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