명동성당의 스테인드글라스와 창에 관하여
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명동성당의 스테인드글라스와 창에 관하여에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 序 論 1
1. 연구의 목적 1
2. 연구의 내용 및 범위 3

Ⅱ. STAINED GLASS의 개념과 시대적 배경 4
1. 스테인드글라스의 개념 4
2. 스테인드글라스가 나타나게 된 역사적 배경 6

Ⅲ. 한국 가톨릭교회의 STAINED GLASS 양식 변화 13
1. 한국 가톨릭교회의 스테인드글라스 수용시기(1882~1910년) 14
2. 일제강점기와 제2차 바티칸 공의회 이전 시기(1910~1962) 15
3. 제2차 바티칸 공의회 이후 시기(1962~1990년대) 18

Ⅳ. 명동성당의 연혁과 STAINED GLASS 23
1. 건립 배경 23
1) 명동성당의 역사적 배경 23
2) 명동성당 터 잡기 25
3) 한국 종교 미술과 순교정신의 寶庫 29
2. 명동성당의 스테인드글라스 31

Ⅴ. 명동성당에 쓰인 STAINED GLASS의 기법과 양식 34
1. 스테인드글라스에 쓰인 재료 및 제작방법 34
1) 색유리의 특성과 종류 34
2) 케임(Came)의 기능과 종류 36
3) 제작방법 38
2. 명동성당 스테인드글라스의 기법과 양식 38
1) 명동성당 스테인드글라스의 기법 39
2) 명동성당 스테인드글라스의 양식 40

Ⅵ. 명동성당의 窓과 건축미 47
1. 명동성당의 창호 47
1) 명동성당의 窓 48
2. 명동성당에 사용된 窓의 종류와 건축양식 49
1) 뾰족아치 창 49
2) 원형 창 55
3) 사각형 창 58
4) 기타 59

Ⅶ. 명동성당 STAINED GLASS와 창의 특징과 문제점 61
1. 특징 61
2. 문제점 63

Ⅷ. 結 論 66

참고 문헌 69

Abstract 77


과 순교정신의 보고」,
서울 : 명동성당 신문기사 자료집 上,下, 1994.
42. 두산 세계대백과 : EnCyber.
Education Thesis
Study of stained glass and windows
- The focus of Myoung dong church -
Kim, myoung soo
Fine Arts Education Major
Graduate School of Education Kyungsung University
Advised : Rhee, sung ja
The function of windows in construction is to connect the outside ophthalmology and the space on the inside; it causes the light to flow in. The use of stained glass brings a lot of creativity and art to this function.
The use of stained glass - which was introduced at the end of the 19 century by Roman Catholic churches in Korea - had a gothic effect. In addition the scenes which are depicted in the medieval gothic stained glass, introduce various themes from the bible. This style was perfectly modeled in the “Myongdong” sanctuary which came to be representative of it.
The use of stained glass not become very popular until the 1970's when Lee Nam-Gue (a student of western art)started to reclaim it for the church.
Stained glass and light makes for a very interesting combination. Using these two mediums brings the potential energy of the art to the fore. The sanctuary thus becomes a storehouse of gorgeous light. As often as the light changes the natural charm of the construction and the space therein is shown through the refraction of light and the sanctuary is filled with wonderful reflections.
Myoundong Catholic church was constructed using a variety of materials bringing out a variety of different effects. By putting symmetry to it’s full use, the Myoungdong sanctuary manages to balance it’s eastern side and northern side. A general feature of the sanctuary, therefore, is it’s symmetry. By repeatedly placing the windows directly across from each other, at the same height, a sense of balance is achieved. With the exception of the tower and the basement all the windows are fixed. One of the outstanding architectural features of the gothic construction is angular window frames.
When we look closely we may observe that the Myoungdong sanctuary is not flawless. This is due to the fact that it was constructed by ‘laymen’; Priests did most of the construction after studying other gothic churches. Because of their lack of experience they used inferior material which is one of the reasons why the roof leaks when it rains. The priests changed their approach to the construction four times due to a variety of problems that arose whilst construction was underway. The end result is, therefore, quite differen! t from the original design that was initially envisioned. At first, the church had a tin roof but later it was changed to copper. The floor was made of wood, at first, but it was later replaced with artificial stone and, some time later, tiled.
This church, with it’s combination of light, and symmetry has infinite possibility. Myoungdong sanctuary is outstanding, not only in Soul, but also in the rest of Asia and we should, therefore, take exceptionally good care of it.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수56페이지
  • 등록일2010.11.13
  • 저작시기2005.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#325747
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