미국 식약청(FDA)내용 번역(Aptivus에 관해~)
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미국 식약청(FDA)내용 번역(Aptivus에 관해~)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


내용 번역

미국 식약청에서 Aptivus에 관한 내용 원문


retroviral Pregnancy Registry.
are breast-feeding. Do not breast-feed if you are taking Aptivus. You should not breast-feed if you have HIV because of the chance of passing the HIV virus to your baby. Talk with your doctor about the best way to feed your baby.
are using estrogens for birth control or hormone replacement. Women who use estrogens for birth control or hormone replacement have an increased chance of developing a skin rash while taking Aptivus. If a rash occurs, it is usually mild to moderate, but you should talk to your doctor as you may need to temporarily stop taking either Aptivus or the other medicine that contains estrogen or female hormones.
Are There Any Interactions With Drugs Or Foods?
Tell your healthcare professional about all the medicines you take including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements. Aptivus and many other medicines can interact. Sometimes serious side effects will happen if Aptivus is taken with certain other medicines (see “Who Should Not Take Aptivus?”).
Women taking birth control pills need to use another birth control method. Aptivus makes birth control pills work less well.
How Do I Take Aptivus?
Take Aptivus exactly as your doctor has prescribed.
You must take Aptivus at the same time as Norvir (ritonavir). The usual dose is 500 mg (two 250 mg capsules) of Aptivus, together with 200 mg (two 100 mg capsules or 2.5 mL of solution) of Norvir, twice per day.
Aptivus with Norvir must be used together with other anti-HIV medicines.
Aptivus comes in a capsule form and you should swallow Aptivus capsules whole. Do not chew the capsules.
Always take Aptivus with food.
Do not change your dose or stop taking Aptivus without first talking with your doctor.
If you take too much Aptivus, call your doctor or poison control center right away.
If you forget to take Aptivus, take the next dose of Aptivus, together with Norvir (ritonavir), as soon as possible. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.
You should NEVER stop taking Aptivus or your other HIV medicines without talking with your doctor.
Aptivus FDA Approved 06/2005Patient Information Sheet Created 07/2005


  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2006.05.09
  • 저작시기2006.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#348612
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