Toni Morrison의 Playing in the dark의 Synopsis
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Toni Morrison의 Playing in the dark의 Synopsis에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.






who became mad after losing his ear from boxing, and calls Ad 'Mr. Francis' despite the brutality and madness of his, but, on the other hand, Bugs is a sadist who brings blackjack to hit Ad when he is permitted, as was Jupiter in The Gold Bug. Bugs has this gift of prophecy and tells Ad that "He's got a lot coming to him". This articulation of narrator's doom and questioning the construction of narrator's identity, put in the mouths of black men who are still theatrical in their combination of power of love and death, modify self-image of narrator, which disturbs his construction of reality. However, Africanist codes keep them bound to their nursing function, and destruction of narrator is completed by female nursing characters such as wives or lovers. They are sharks who combine the signs of a nurse with those of shark's as does Marie in To Have and Have Not. When she questions Harry what it was like to have sex with nigger your woman, he says, "Like nurse shark." That girl is not a human, and that's not even a mammal but a fish which evokes a predatory, devouring eroticism, anti-feminity, anti-nurturing, anti-nursing. Marie is satisfied with the kind answer, his projection on this attending, but at the same time, not-attending at all figuration of black young woman.
However, Hemingway's own view seems to be rather opposite to that of Harry.
In The Garden of Eden, David Bourne's wife, Catherine prefers dark skin color which she can possess, and whiteness is a deficiency which lacks darkness. Both color gestures including her obsession with blonding hair darkening are ways to overcome estrangement from blackness, to assert, and to produce more sexual excitement to this brother-sister incest. This association of their evil and irrational appetites with darkness enforces sensual illicit, and after bleaching and haircuts, Catherine tells David, "we're damned now." Her self-assertion that she really is black drives her mad and she encounters dedicated nurse 'Marita' who is naturally black as black Javanese who was given to David as a present from Catherine. Catherine, the shark gives him a dark nurse as a kind act and breasts of her own as her own nursing. Her saying, "I want to be your African girl." means "I am going to be available and empty to let you assert yourself through your imagination, work, and fiction" to Harry.
Africa is imagined as both inner and outer world. Inner world is innocent, under white control Eden as David wrote in his book, but outer world is evil, chaotic because of the events surrounding them. Inner world in David's book, which Catherine hates and eventually burns, is a boring, old Africa-as-Eden where you can fat your soul. This discursive Africanism enabled blackness aestheticized and mythologized at the author's disposal.
Morrison's project was an effort to turn the critical gaze from the racial object to the racial subject, from the described and imagined to the describers and imaginers, from server to the served.


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2007.04.12
  • 저작시기2006.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#403870
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