영어 기본 문법 정리(문법 교안 -영어 교육학과)
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영어 기본 문법 정리(문법 교안 -영어 교육학과)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 영어의 기본문형: Basic Sentence Patterns

PART A: 기초다지기
A. 정의
B. 영어의 다섯 가지 기본문형

PART B: 깊게 파기
I. 2형식 문장과 5형식 문장
II. 문장의 성분: 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어
III. 연습문제

2. 동명사 (동사의 원형 + -ing)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

3. 수동태 (Passive Voice: be 동사 + p.p.+ by)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

4. 관계대명사 (Relative Pronoun)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

5. 관계부사(Relative Adverb)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

6. 문장의 종류 (Sentences)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

7. 분사 (Participle)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

8. 부정사 (Infinitive)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기

9. 시제 (Tense)
PART A: 기초 다지기
PART B: 깊게 파기


2. 경험: 과거에 이미 끝난 행위이지만 현재에도 여전히 그 영향을 미치고 있는 경험
▶ Have you ever had an operation?
3. 계속: 과거 어느 시점에 시작되어서 현재에도 지속 중인 동작, 완결되지 않은 과거
▶ Peter has worked as a teacher since 2000.
* 동작동사의 경우, 계속 용법은 종종 진행형과 결합되어 “현재완료 진행형”으로 표현된다.
▶ Rita and Josh have been talking on the phone for twenty minutes. (지금도 이야기하
고 있음)
4. 결과: 현재의 결과를 초래한 과거의 행위
▶ The taxi hasn't arrived yet. (We're still waiting for it.)
G. 과거 완료형 (Past Perfect) : 과거 완료형은 과거에 발생했던 어떤 동작보다 더 “이전”에 일어났던 동작을 나타낸다. (cf. 과거형의 열거는 일어난 일의 순서대로 열거된다.)
▶ When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my apartment and
had stolen my DVD player. So I called the police.
* Action 1: Someone broke into my apartment and stole my DVD player.
* Action 2: I got home.
* Action 3: I called the police.
H. 연습문제
연습 문제 1: 다음 문장들 속에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
1. My husband and children are going to join me after I will finish my English course.
2. Wood float on water.
3. I wear my new suit to the wedding next week.
4. A student buy a lot of books at the beginning of each term.
5. I opened the door and invite my friend to come in.
6. All of us has learn many things since we were children.
7. In my country, women are soldiers in the army since the 1970s.
8. At the picnic, we sang songs and talk to each other.
9. I use to get up at noon, but now I have to be at work by eight.
10. I am live with an American family. They are having four children.
연습 문제 2: 괄호 안에 주어진 동사를 이용하여 부정의문문을 완성하시오.
1. A: I'm really hungry.
B: breakfast? (eat)
A: No, I didn't have time.
2. A: What's the homework for tomorrow?
B: in class yesterday? (be)
A: Yeah, but I didn't write down the homework.
3. A: Hi, honey. How's the weather there?
B: It's raining.
A: yesterday? (rain)
B: It rains almost everyday here.
4. A: I don't want to go to the Italian restaurant again.
B: it the last time we went there? (like)
A: Yeah, but we go there so much. I'm tired of the place.
연습 문제 3: 각 문장이 의미하는 차이점을 비교하여 설명하시오.
1. a. Rachel is taking English classes.
b. Nadia has been taking English classes for two months.
2. a. Jack has visited his aunt and uncle many times.
b. Matt has been visiting his aunt and uncle for the last three days.
3. a. Mr. Woods walks his dog in Forest Park every day.
b. Mr. Woods has walked his dog in Forest Park many times.
c. Mr. Woods walked his dog in Forest Park five times last week.
d. Mr. Woods is walking his dog in Forest Park.
e. Mr. Woods has been walking his dog in Forest Park for two hours.
연습 문제 4: 괄호 안에 주어진 동사 중 올바른 형태에 밑줄을 그으시오.
1. Kate reached to the floor and picked up her glasses. They were broken. She (has stepped/ had stepped) on them.
2. I can't come with you. I need to stay here. I (wll wait/ am waiting) for a phone call.
3. I really like my car. I (have been having/ have had) it for six years. It runs beautifully.
4. I was very tired when I got to the top of the mountain. I (was walking/ had walked) a long distance.
5. It (had rained/ was raining) when I left the house this morning, so I opened my umbrella.



  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수44페이지
  • 등록일2009.09.30
  • 저작시기2009.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#554800
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