[영문] MIS- ATM과 온라인뱅킹
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[영문] MIS- ATM과 온라인뱅킹에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.



Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)

History of ATM

ATM’s Infrastructure

ATM’s Software

People for ATM

ATM’s Procedures

ATM’s Hardware

ATM’s Information

Pros of ATM

Cons of ATM
- ATM Fraud
- Fraud Protection
- Job Security

Future of ATM

Online Banking

History of Online Banking

Pros of Online Banking

Cons of Online Banking




ATM’s Software
Typical platforms used on ATM are RMX, OS/2, Microsoft operating systems, Java, Linux and UNIX. There has been an increase in Linux usage in the ATM marketplace. Like RBC has outsource their ATM services to NCR Corporation. NCR provides RBC with second line maintenance which covers mechanical failures to less complex maintenance like fixing cash, receipt jams and replacing ribbons. As well as monitoring and resolving network problems and breakdowns, a role that was usually done by the bank, themselves. About 70% ATMs uses OS/2 which is develop by IBM.
People for ATM
There are many people that are involved in the ATM service. They consist of management, system developers, administrators, customers. Management needs to understand how the ATM system works so they can make decisions. Decisions like to add services on ATMs to generate a different revenue stream or to close down ATMs in current areas due to decrease in number of transactions it performs. Developers need to know what management wants the system to do so they can make it more efficient and effective. System administrators are needed to maintain the system’s operation. ATMs are design for customers, so it needs to be user friendly and safe so user will feel comfortable using it.
ATM’s Procedures
The ATM services consist of many procedures that a human teller would do. ATM is simply a data terminal with two inputs and four output devices. ATM is connected to a host processor (ISP) so it can communicate with the bank computer. Most host processor can support either leased-line or dial-up machines. Leased-line


  • 가격3,500
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.13
  • 저작시기2009.4
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#574129
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