The Causes of Global Warming and the Possible Solutions
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i. Abstract
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Global Warming
3. Causes of Global Warming
3.1 Personal Activities
3.2 Economic Activities
4. Solutions to Global Warming
4.1 Policies
4.2 Alternative Energy
5. Conclusion
6. References


With industrial development, the mean temperature of the globe has been steadily increasing. An unusual change of weather such as floods, drought and hurricanes has happened because of the rising temperature, global warming. The purpose of this report is to explore causes and solutions of global warming. Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the surface of the earth. The main cause for global warming is greenhouse effect which refers to the trapped infrared radiation emitted from the warmed surface due to atmospheric greenhouse gases. Even though nature generates greenhouse gases, humanity accelerates more greenhouse gas emissions. Anthropogenic global warming can be divided into personal activities and economic activities. With the economic growth, people consume much greater energy from fossil fuels including household facilities and cars. Furthermore, factories use a number of fossil fuels for the economic development, and greenhouse gases are emitted during industrial agriculture. The solutions to global warming are the reduction of using fossil fuels and the increased use of alternative energy. Therefore, the report firstly recommends that each country collaborate for the environment and obey international rules such as carbon trading and taxing. Also, the report recommends that each country adopt building infrastructure for alternative energy and encourage people to use alternative energy. Because an environmental problem is a global problem, cooperation is urgently required.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.20
  • 저작시기2008.12
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#576539
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