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해외국가조사-캐나다(영문레포트)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Economic Trend
(1) Economic Growth
(2) Inflation
(3) Trade (export and import)
(4) Foreign Direct Investment
1) Extent of FDI
2) Impact of FDI
3) Policies Towards FDI
(5) Major Industry
1) Manufacturing
2) Agriculture
3) Forestry &Logging
4) Mining, Oil & Gas Extraction

2. Economic Policy
(1) Employment
(2) Fiscal Policy
(3) Taxation Policy
1) Income taxes
2) Sales taxes
3) Property taxes
4) International taxation
5) Inheritance tax

3. Korea-Canada Economic Relationship
(1) trade
(2) FDI
(3) Korean Market Growth Potential

4. Ideas for further economic relationship between Korea and Canada

5. Illustrative References


have climbed steadily in the past 10 years, and were 47% higher in 2004 as compared to 1996, the year prior to the Asian crisis. While the bilateral investment relationship has been expanding, it remains modest.
Canadian direct
investment in Korea
Korea’s foreign
direct investment
in Canada
* canadian exports to Korea (1996-2005) * Bilateral investment (CAD thousands)
(2) FDI Statistics Canada
Investment from Korea represents 0.09% of total FDI in Canada.
Investment in Korea represents 0.17% of total Canadian direct investment abroad.
In 2004, 26% of Korean FDI went to the U.S., and 22% went to China.
Less than 2% of total Korean FDI went to Canada and Mexico.
Investment from Korea represents 0.09% of total FDI in Canada.
Top sectors attracting Korean investment in Canada
Mineral resources (mining)
Manufacturing (raw material processing, auto parts)
Trade and retail (marketing, sales, and distribution)
Services (educational services)
Hotels and restaurants
Source: Overseas direct investment statistics yearbook Korea Export-Import Bank
Top sectors attracting Canadian investment in Korea
Manufacturing (auto parts, electronics and telecommunications equipment)
Mineral resources processing
Services (including public services)
Real estate and construction
(3) Korean Market Growth Potential
A high-growth and rapidly advancing market, Korea is positioned as a 'gateway' to Northeast Asia, a region of strategic importance to global value chains. With a population exceeding 48 million and a GDP approaching $954 billion, Korea is the largest of the four "Asian tigers" (the others are Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan). The country has emerged from the 1997 Asian financial crisis to become the 12th-largest merchandise trading nation in the world, with total merchandise trade in 2005 reaching $660.3 billion.
Canada and Korea are established trade and investment partners, and a free trade agreement (FTA) is expected to strengthen this relationship. In 2005, Korea was Canada's seventh-largest merchandise trading partner, with Canadian exports totalling $2.8 billion, and imports from Korea nearing $5.4 billion. The stock of Canadian direct investment in Korea was $779 million in 2005, while the stock of Korean direct investment in Canada was $364 million. In 2004, Canada exported $706 million in services to Korea and imported $350 million in services.
4.Ideas for further economic relationship
between Korea and Canada
5.Illustrative References
- Department of Finance
- Industry Canada
- Statistics Canada
- Export Development Canada
- Human Resources Development Canada
- Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc
- Bank of Canada
- Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
- Department of Finance
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Government of Canada
- International Trade Canada
- http://www.bilaterals.org/
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.22
  • 저작시기2008.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#577061
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