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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. Identified Language Point: Collocation

2. Justification

3. Research plan and methodology

4. Evidence and Examples

5. Grammar notes/rules about the language point
- Forms of collocations
ⅰ Noun + Noun
ⅱ Adjective + Noun
ⅲ Verb + Noun
ⅳ Additional collocations
ⅴ. Quantified collocations

6. Samples from authentic texts

7. References

8. Workshop exercises

9. Reflection


2. Justification
When I found the meaning of collocation in the Oxford dictionary, it said, "Collocation is the habitual occurrence of a word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance and it is a group of words that habitually occur together (Oxford English dictionary 2008)." It means that a collocation is a set of words like a needle and a thread, so a sentence quite often has a particular pair of a noun and a verb and one verb or two adjectives which are usually and naturally matched with one another.
Not only in academic writing, but also in conversations, using collocations is very important. They are not exactly the same as idioms or phrases, but do essential jobs in sentences, such as making a natural flow in whole texts or conversations, creating the topic – specific lexis of a discipline such as education, economics, and politics – and linking between words.
Moreover, using grammatically correct sentence might sound unnatural. In native words, there are many grammatically incorrect, but usually used collocations, so some words which are too correct to use will make awkward sounds in native words.
In addition, collocation involves a number of parameters, which is the method of associative measure. It is highly valued especially in statistic area because of its works in that field.
This area of lexical-grammar is quite difficult for many English learners to cope with because the matching of a set of a noun, a verb and some adjectives and making a natural sentence needs a lot of practice and experience. Also, this area is very necessary to improve my writing skill. The following evidence from my writing will show the examples of errors I have made in the use of collocations.
3. Research plan and methodology
In the first step, I will consult some English dictionaries to find a brief definition of collocation, and then I will read some grammar books and English usage books to understand collocation more clearly.
After that, I will find some mistakes and errors in my previous essays as evidence of my writing problems. Also, I will find as many real examples as possible which can show many use of collocations in native speakers' words and subject them to a critical analysis.


collocation,   presentation,   idiom,   usage,   lexico,   lexical,   grammar
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.28
  • 저작시기2008.6
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#578896
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