인코텀즈에 대하여 서술
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인코텀즈에 대하여 서술에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 인코텀즈란
2. 인코텀즈의 개정의 이유

Ⅱ. 본론
1. 개정 내용
2. "인코텀즈 1990"과 비교할 때 "인코텀즈 2000" 개정의 특징
3. 바뀐 인코텀즈 2000의 구성체계에 대한 상세한 내용

Ⅲ. 결론

Ⅳ. 참고문헌

* 원문


named place) Monomodal (land)
Expression which should be further qualified by naming the frontier (border post) up to which the seller is prepared to take responsibility for transport costs and the corresponding risks of transit.
The frontier is deemed to be on the seller's side of the applicable border unless the term is modified to express that the point of transfer is the frontier on the buyer's side of the border.
The seller must clear the cargo through customs on the export side of the border of handover, whereas the buyer must clear the goods through customs on the import side.
(Delivered Ex Ship...named port of destination) Monomodal seafreight.
Although not triggered by the use of the ship's rail, the point of handover (ship's side, arrived) will be inappropriate in a modern port. The buyer may not be able to take control at a point in a restricted port area. An alternative D term such as DDU might be better suited to represent an achievable point of handover for both parties.
DES will often financially correlate to CFR. But, for the buyer DES represents CFR without the disadvantages of placing risks on the buyer, over which they have no control. (See CFR)
From the seller's perspective, DES reverses the risk advantages of CFR, placing all risks with the seller until the cargo arrives at the named port.
(Delivered Ex Quay...named port of destination) Monomodal seafreight
extends the shipper's responsibility beyond the arrival of the vessel to the point where the goods are discharged.
Although not triggered by the use of the ship's rail, the point of handover (landside on the harbour, duty paid) is frequently inappropriate in a modern port environment. The buyer may not be able to take control at that point and an alternative D term such as DDP may be better suited to identify an achievable point of handover between the two parties.
Seller's using DEQ are cautioned that they must be in a position to pay the destination discharge fees both in physical terms as well as administratively in accordance with any Exchange Control Regulations applicable in the country of Origin.
Caution is appropriate when using D prefixed terms with Documentary Credits as few 'documents' are geared to record the passing of risks on arrival.
(Delivered Duty Unpaid...named place) Multimodal
Term that must be further qualified by naming the place up to which the seller is prepared to take responsibility for transport costs (and the corresponding risks of transit). This is excluding the payment of domestic duties and the ancillary clearance charges associated with the import process at destination.
(Delivered Duty Paid...named place) Multimodal
Term that must be qualified by naming the place to which the seller is taking responsibility for transport costs and the risks of transit. These risks and costs include the payment of domestic duties in the buyer's country and any ancillary charges associated with the import clearing process at destination.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2010.03.11
  • 저작시기2010.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#589444
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