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영어이력서 실전 샘플에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


- My final year dissertation on the impact of globalisation, (awarded 70%) was a structured discussion drawing on many sources of research to consider different points of view.
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Influencing, communication and teamwork
- Travelling on my own required getting on with a variety of people, communicating with limited knowledge of local languages and raised my cultural awareness.
- Vacation job as part of a team producing cream cakes for Tesco. Promoted to running a production line in outer-packing, which involved co-ordinating my own team’s work with my counterpart in inner-packing.
- Part-time work as a sales assistant in a clothes shop. Organised stock layout on the shop floor, helped with stock control and dealt with members of the public.
- Working on team projects on my degree course involved leadership, negotiation and persuasion.
Work Experience
Summers 1998/9 Temporary work through Express Recruitment, Hays Recruitment and Office Angels.
Summer 1997 Production Operative, Waterfields Bakery.
Summer 1996 Sales Assistant, Marks and Spencer.
Interests and Achievements
Travelling Six month trip on my own to Australia, Thailand and Indonesia broadened my horizons and increased my self-reliance and confidence.
Languages I have a great interest in learning foreign languages, being fluent in French and English and am currently studying Spanish.
Hill Walking Enjoy being part of a hill walking team achieving a difficult goal and have learnt a lot about how I personally deal with demanding circumstances.
Salsa Dancing Am learning salsa dancing which is energetic, fun and a good way to socialize.
Driving licence Full, clean for three years.
John Smith
Course Leader of Secondary Education
The Nottingham Trent University
Tel: 0115 848 3456
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.29
  • 저작시기2006.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#606531
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