[직업재활] 장애인의 직업평가에 관한 고찰
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I. 장애인 재활에 있어서 직업평가의 의의

II. 개별직업평가계획서 및 평가사 역할
1. 개별직업평가계획서 개발의 의의
2. 직업평가의 적용 모델
3. 직업평가 과정
4. 직업평가사의 기능

III. 직업평가 활동
1. 오리엔테이션
2. 행동관찰과 기록
3. 심리측정검사
4. 작업표본평가
5. 직무분석
6. 방법분석
7. 상황평가
8. 현직평가

IV. 직업평가 보고서
1. 의의
2. 평가보고서의 결과적 대안 및 권고들
3. 직업평가보고서의 내용



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Taylor, D.W., Bordieri, J.E., Crimando, W., & Janikowski, T.P.(1993). "Job tasks and functions of vocational evaluators in three sectors of practice." Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 26(2). 39-46.
Taylor, D.W.,m Bordieri, J.E., & Lee, D.Y.(1993). "Job tasks and functions of Vocational evaluators : A national study." Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 26(4), 146-154.
Thomas, S.W.(1990). Developing/adapting vocational evaluation services for individuals with TBI. Menomonie, WI : Materials Development Center.
Wesolek, J.S., & McFarlane, F.R.(1991). "Perceived needs for vocational assessment information as determined by those who utilize assessment results." : Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 24(2), 55-60.
Weinstein, H.P.(1978). "The impact of facility-based vacational evaluation services on referring Michigan Bureau of Rehabilitation counselors." Dissertation Abstracts international, 39, 6554A. (University Microfilm No, 79-07425).
Wright, G.(1989). "The miscommunication of nonverbal behavior of persons with physical disabilities and the implications for vacational assessment." Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 22(4), 147-150.


  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2010.05.21
  • 저작시기2005.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#613117
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