[A+ essay]동기부여(motivation) 영문 에세이
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[A+ essay]동기부여(motivation) 영문 에세이에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




needs. so If this lower needs is filled, the monetary reward couldn't affect employees anymore. Because they want to fill up higher needs. So money is not the ultimate factor that can motivate employees. Money just reduce dissatisfaction, not promote satisfaction. The key determinants of jab satisfaction are Achievement, Recognition, Work itself, Responsibility and Advancement. So Employer should think more carefully about just using monetary reward. Moreover the important thing is not the level of monetary rewards, but the equity of deciding rewards. Because they want to treat fairly. If they feel unfairly, they reduce their effort. So If you are employer who want to motivate your employees, don't reward them only with monetary reward, rather praise and encourage them. And when you remunerate your employees, decide carefully to remunerate them fairly!
Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
A.H. Maslow(1943) A Theory of Human Motivation, Psychological Review 50 (1943):370-96.
Adams, J.S. 1965. Inequity in social exchange. Adv. Exp. Soc. Psychol. 62:335-343.
Stephen P. Robbins (2005) Essentials of Organizational behavior: Prentice Hall
John Baldoni (2004) Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders: McGraw-Hill
Robert C. Beck(2003) Motivation: Theories and Principles: Prentice Hall


  • 가격4,800
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2010.05.26
  • 저작시기2008.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#614817
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