[글로벌경영/국제경영A+] 신한은행 국제경영전략분석 영문레포트 -The overseas strategy of `SHINHAN FINANCIAL GROUP`
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[글로벌경영/국제경영A+] 신한은행 국제경영전략분석 영문레포트 -The overseas strategy of `SHINHAN FINANCIAL GROUP` 에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Introduction of Shinhan group
2. Present situation
of overseas expansion
3. Suggest the expansion to new market
4. Startegy
5. Conclusion


fields such as the SOC and corporate finance has recently been intensified,
it is considered that new fields have to be developed aggressively as a
main strategy, for example, the syndicated loan A method to support
operational funds or such to a company based on the company’s expected
future sales according to an agreed rate by Syndicated Banks constituted of
a number of financial organizations. among the ‘project loans’which provide
operational funds based on the security of future earning of a company’s
certain business area.
Moreover, considering the local business networks already established in
most of the regions, localization would be the most urgent issue for now.
Although it generally takes two or three years from the preparing process
to the actual business in order to open overseas offices and branches, it
can be largely saved when using the Mergers and Acquisitions(M&A) of
local banks. It is not easy to do the M&A of foreign banks on account of
the differences between laws and regulations or corporate cultures, but it
allows the business to be started simultaneously with the merging and
makes it possible to do various businesses promptly through utilizing the
networks, so it has more advantages than building an office or branch.
Consequently, it is thought that Sinhan Bank will have to elaborate
aggressive investment strategies for merging and acquiring Qatar local
banks. For example we can try to merge Sinhan with Qatar national bank.
Conclusion : effect of strategy, effect of entering Qatar
Qatar is a new rising hub of world's financial markets.
When Shin-Han bank enters into there, it will be able to get many effects.
There are summarize the four effects.
First, prior occupation of market.
It means Shin-Han company takes the lead in occupation faster than our
rivals, woo-ri or kook-min bank.
It is very important thing. because prior occupation makes the company to
have advantage about construction of foundation in the market.
Second, Interdependence with domestic companies.
Many of domestic banks already finance to a companies in the field.
So If Shin-Han company enters into the Middle East, where every company
wants to enter now, it will be able to get a lot of clients by giving financial
aid to companies.
Third, the possibilities of negotiation about oil price.
what Shin-Han invest money in many industries in Qatar means they are
contributing toward Qatar's economic.
So It will be able to make a way for negotiation about oil price with a
government of Qatar.
Fourth, It will be able to ensure success in entering into Middle East
whole market by entering Qatar.
Qatar is located in center of Gulf Economic Cooperation Area.
That's why, when Shin-Han construct a foundation in Qatar, it will be able
to enter into other Middle East countries.
In conclusion, we expect Shin-Han to accomplish world network and to
grow Shin-Han global financial group by occupying rising blue ocean, Qatar.
  • 가격1,700
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2010.07.17
  • 저작시기2010.7
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#624345
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