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바. 합격한 학업계획서의 예(15가지)


this opportunity, I made up my mind to studying away from home.
For my communicative skill of English, I studied English in ELS at Boston and I have studied during 7 months(March 1- September 30) so that I completed level 9 of a 12 level course of study. I think I dont have any problem for following graduation lecture.
I am confident that I have enough ability to accomplish my dream and to enter good college such as the Harvard University, if I could have an opportunity to demonstrate my ability and reality.
If I admit to your college, I will broaden and deepen my knowledge in the field of Design. As I am quite adaptable to new circumstances and I am very positive, I don't think that I will have any problem in studying in your University. Besides, I am spending most of my space time studying English and my major subjects.
After finishing my studies in OZ University up to a Design, I will return to Korea and contribute my knowledge to our society. I strongly believe that my graduate study at your school will be one of the most important steps to fulfil my goal.
Thank you very much for your kind attention this statement. I sincerely hope that this statement would receive your warm consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Hong, Gil-Dong
15. 영문학업계획서
Study Plan
Dear Sir/Madame
My name is Kim, ***** and I was born on 23 January 19**.
The reason that I was determined to go to Australia to study English is that I am at the forth year of Seoul National University of Technology and the English is compulsory in my major. Also, I realized that I can not get a good job without good English ability. Therefore I decided to learn English in Australia which is very nice land to study according to the information.
As I am studying Business Administration, I faced English language barrier and I realized the reality that is limited employment opportunity in Mass Communication industry without English. Learning English at a English Institution in Korea has limitation and actual conversation can not be improved. I thought going abroad to study to improve my abilities and let the my future bright.
I am going to study English at ****** and ***** in Brisbane. For 9 months, I will be able to improve my English ability because I have studied English in Korea.
I will do my best to study English during the time and when I come back to Korea, I will return to my school to study my rest of study for half year. After graduate the school, I will enter the company that I want. the study in Australia will be very helpful for my future and that will be good experience.
This time is the best when I think my age and grade at my university. So, I won't let the opportunity go. Please examine my application carefully and grant me a Student Visa to enter Australia. The age in twenties can make many potential possibilities and many opportunities to learn many things. I really hope to get a chance, and I will never lose this opportunity.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,



  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수27페이지
  • 등록일2007.11.24
  • 저작시기2007.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#652422
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