외규장각 도서 반환에 관한 연구 (영문)
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외규장각 도서 반환에 관한 연구 (영문)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


< Contents >
1. Introduction
2. Theory
3. The international law
4. The study of Korean example (OeGyuJangGak books return policy )
5. The plunder cultural assets present situation.
6. The Governmental return effort.
7. Successful case (Egypt)
8. Conclusion


this way and recieve one volume OeGyuJangGak books in 1993. At that time we missed the good chance returning back hole books so we have no choice but to delay for twenty years. This agreement involved in many diplomatic situation. Although we can find international laws regulating the illegal looting, the international laws didn't have compulsion and retroactivity. the reason why our civic group 'cultural solidarity' sued the France government and they achieve recognition fact of plunder. but they were rejected returning back heritage of Korea by the France court. we have to revise international law as well as domestic law in order to return back our cultural assets. So the most cultural assets returning were used by diplomatic consensus. But in OeGyuJangGak books returning case, I think our country failed in diplomatic consensus. We didn't know about OeGyuJangGak books compare to France, and we also lacked professional knowledge about international laws and rules. So we were drugged and have to make a lease contract every five years. It means we are failed.
I think we have to use the way of permanent return not rental. This mean there aren't compromise things when we return back our cultural assets. It isn't impossible to return permanently, for instance, Egypt bring back 5000 points relics from British museums, also Italy receive cultural assets from American museums, French bring back philosopher Descartes letter from the United States. The government was not enough Effort for restitution of the plunder cultural assets they just use borrowed method. This precedent could be a bad influence returning back our cultural assets scattered in abroad. In France Currently spread dissatisfaction regarding these cultural assets returning. Some librarian at French national library (BNF) insist, it will be lost one third percentage relic in BNF, “프랑스, 외규장각 도서 반환 논란”,「국민일보」,2010,11.
if we continue to return plunder cultural assets in this way. So when we deal with reporting agreement and require, we should be careful because it connect with their tourism revenue or cultural self-confidence. Also we should emulate cherishing culture. when we cherish great affection for our cultural assets, other country feel burden,
In conclusion, cultural assets have to be returned. For this reason, we must do All legal and diplomatic efforts for returning. But we consider becoming bad relationship with opponent country in terms of diplomatic situation. As government role, I suggest the government would be better to establish task force team and make more effectively a diplomatic strategy for returning.

이보아,「루브르는 프랑스 박물관인가」
이상찬,「파리 소재 외규장각 도서 반환 협상의 문제점」
이보아,「문화재의 원산국으로의 반환에 대한 고찰」
Jhe, Seong-Ho, 「A Sudy on the Return of Cultural Property between Korea and Japan in Terms of International law」
정상천,「파리 국립도서관 소장 외규장각 도서반환 협상경과, 쟁점 및 평가」
이재곤,「문화재반환과 국제법」
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2011.04.12
  • 저작시기2011.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#665867
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