An Introduction to Language Chapter 6 Phonetics
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An Introduction to Language Chapter 6 Phonetics에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


◉ Sound Segments

◉ The Phonetic Alphabet

◉ Articulatory Phonetics

◉ Prosodic Features

◉ Phonetic Symbols and Spelling Correspondences

◉ The "Phonetics" of Signed Languages


in the world are tone languages. There are more than one thousand tone languages spoken in Africa alone. Many languages of Asia, such as darin Chinese, Burmese, and Thai, are tone languages.
Diacritics to specify such properties as nasalization, length, stress, and tone may be combined with the phonetic symbols for more detailed phonetic transcriptions.
Languages that are not tone languages, such as English, are called intonation languges. The pitch contour of the utterance varies, but in an intonation language as opposed to a tone languages, pitch is not used to distinguish words from each other.
Phonetic Symbols and Spelling Correspondences
There are sound/spelling correspondences for American English consonants and vowels. We have included the symbols for the voiceless aspirated stops to illustrate that what speakers usually consider one sound may occur phonetically as two sounds.
The "Phonetics" of Signed Languages
Signed languages are governed by a grammatical system that includes syntactic and morphological rules. In ASL these are handshape, movement, location, and palm orientation. As in spoken languages, changes along one of these parameters can result in a new word.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2011.06.15
  • 저작시기2010.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#684377
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