특정 성범죄자의 신상정보 활용제도의 문제점과 개선방안
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Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 신상정보 공개제도에 대한 검토
Ⅲ. 신상정보 등록 및 고지제도의 보완 및 활성화
Ⅳ. 나오며


대학교 법학연구소, 2007. 6.
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Summary of State Sex Offender Registries, 2001, U.S.Department of Justice, March 2002.
Dena T. Sacco, "Arguments used to challenge notification law and the government's response", National Conference on the Sex Offender Registries, U.S.Department of Justice, 1998.
Doris Sue Wong, "Weld Creating Sex Offender Registry Those Convicted Have to Register", BOSTON GLOBE, Aug. 6. 1996.
Home Office, Consultation Paper on the Review of Part 1 of Sex Offenders Act 1997, July, 2001.
Laura A. Ahearn, "Megan's Law Nationwide and The Apple of My Eye Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Program", Prevention Press USA, 2001.
Lisa Gursky Sorkin, "The triogy of Federal statutes", National Conference on Sex Offender Registries, U.S.Department of Justice, 1998.
Menendez, Bernard, "The Constitutional Implication of Megan's Law; Permissible Regulation or Unconstitutional Intrusions?", New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement Vol. 24, No. 1, Winter 1998.
Merkel, E. R., & Richardson, R. A., "Digital and virtual relating: Conceptualizing computer mediated romantic relationships", Family Realtions, 49(2), 2000.
Scram D., & Milloy, C, "Community notification; A study of offender characteristics and recidivism", Olympia, WA; Washington State Institute for public policy, 1995.
Terry Thomas, Sex Crime: Sex Offending and Society, Willam Publishing, 2000.

Problems and Improvement on the Identities Application of Specific Sex Offender
- Registrating, Notifying and Releasing Identities of Sex Offender -
Chan-Keol, Park
Juvenile sex protection law recently amended releases through the Internet detailed information of sexual offenders(name, age, physical characteristics, photo, address) unlike the past releasing method. The Court determined to disclose of personal information on the sexual criminals for youth and notify their identities such as name, birth date, occupation, address(city, county and district) and crimes that have committed on the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family's homepage. The National Assembly passed revised law related to prevention of sex offence against juvenile; revised law to strengthen the registration of sex offenders, to introduce the notification of sex offenders etc. But the present sanction to the sex offender is not enough to prevent the offence. So nationwide notification method must be amended in order not to violate the privacy of offenders and their family and we should devise a better system for the protection of human rights. Finally In order to prevent sexual exploitations and violences against juveniles, what is needed for diminishing sex offences is not to make new sort of treatment or sentence heavier punishment but to supplement the current system by making the analysis process more efficient.
Key words: registration of sex offenders, notification of sex offenders, releasing of sex offenders, Juvenile sex protection law, detailed information of sexual offenders.


,   범죄자,   신상,   정보,   공개
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수26페이지
  • 등록일2011.10.05
  • 저작시기2011.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#706055
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