국제무역의 새로운 패러다임과 Open Account 제도의 활성화 방안
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Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 국제무역 패러다임의 변화와 오픈 어카운트 제도도입의 필요성
Ⅲ. 오픈 어카운트 제도의 운용현황과 전략
Ⅳ. 오픈 어카운트 방식의 운용상 쟁점과 활용방향
Ⅴ. 결 론


, 2005.
KeyBank, “International Insights”, July 2004.
Syrett, W. W., “Finance Export", in Talks about Export, published by the Institute of Export, Pitman.
SITPRO, “Methods of Payment in International Trade",
SWIFT, “SWIFT's Trade Services Utility InfoPack”
TradeCard, “Financial Supply Chain Automation: The Missing Link in Supply Chain Management” (White Paper), 2002.
http://www.joc.com(The Journal of Commerce)
http://bolero.codecirus.co.uk/solutions/financial_supply_ chain.htm
A Study on the Activation Policy of Open Account Suites under the New Paradigm of Int'l Trade
This paper is to propose the direction for the activation policies of the Open Account transactions pursuant to international trade trends that are moving towards open account terms under the new paradigm of international Trade and commerce.
In a world where electronic trade and straight-through processing are both on the rise, international traders feel pressure to automate their financial supply chain. In response to this pressure, a growing number of trade firms in engaged in international trade are adopting Open Account Suites instead of Letter of Credit. By doing so, they can streamline the supply chain process and eliminate inefficiencies of the International trade process. Many traders no longer want to ask bank' help such as credit line, payment guarantee and so on. furthermore, the Open Account transactions are less complicated and more flexible than L/C transactions or collections.
But this methods don't provide payment undertaking for seller like L/C. the Goods are shipped and the relative documents are sent directly to the buyer with no additional guarantee of payment. So, the entire risk in this transaction is borne by the seller since the payment is made by the buyer only after the latter has taken possession of the goods.
Therefore, The financial risk can often be mitigated by getting a credit insurance policy. In order to perform more effective international business and assure a satisfactory transaction. both parties must make every possible effort to resolve payment disputes on their own. and also the present institution need to be improved to manage business process more effectively.
Key Words: International Trade, Payment, Open Account, TSU, Activation Policy


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2011.10.12
  • 저작시기2011.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#707688
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