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1. 김밥[gimbap] Dried Seaweed Rolls(Korean Rolls)
Vegetables and cooked egg are placed on seasoned rice. The ingredients are then rolled in dried seaweed and sliced into bite-sized pieces.

2. 김치볶음밥[kimchi-bokkeumbap] Kimchi Fried Rice
A spicy dish consisting of fried rice and chopped kimchi. Beef or pork may also be added.

3. 돌솥비빔밥[dolsot-bibimbap] Sizzling Stone Pot Bibimbap
This meal is served piping hot in an earthenware pot, consisting of rice, cooked vegetables and beef, mixed with red chili paste. The rice is deliciously crispy at the bottom. It is the one   of the most popular variations of bibimbap.

4. 밥[bap] Cooked White Rice
Steamed short-grain rice.

5. 불고기덮밥[bulgogi-deopbap] Bulgogi with Rice
Stir-fried bulgogi (beef in a soy sauce marinade), served on a bed of rice.

6. 비빔밥[bibimbap] Rice Mixed with Vegetables and Beef
Rice topped with various cooked vegetables, such as zucchini, mushrooms and bean sprouts, plus beef and a fried egg. Served with red chili paste, which should be mixed in thoroughly.


ter Kimchi
A pink-tinged kimchi made with napa, thinly-sliced radish, minari (Korean parsley), in water.
102. 배추김치[baechu-kimchi] Kimchi
Cured and fermented napa cabbage kimchi, mixed with julienned white radish, leek, garlic, ginger, red chili powder, salt and fish sauce. This is the most common kind of kimchi.
103. 백김치[baek-kimchi] White Kimchi
A mild variety of kimchi, made with cured napa cabbage, Korean pear, and minari (Korean parsley).
104. 보쌈김치[bossam-kimchi] Wrapped Kimchi
Royal court kimchi wrapped around oyster, squid, Korean pear, and radish.
105. 오이소박이[oi-sobagi] Cucumber Kimchi
Cucumber kimchi filled with chives, chili powder and garlic, seasoned with fish sauce.
106. 장아찌[jangajji] Pickled Vegetables
Vegetables pickled in either soybean paste, soy sauce or red chili paste. Commonly used vegetables include radish, cucumber, chili, and garlic.
107. 간장게장[ganjang-gejang] Soy Sauce marianted Crab
Fresh crab, marinated in a spiced soy sauce seasoning.
108. 젓갈[jeotgal] Salted Seafood
Salted and fermented seafood side dishes. Commonly used ingredients are clam, shrimp, oyster, and pollock roe.
109. 경단[gyeongdan] Sweet Rice Balls
Sticky rice balls, rolled in cinnamon, black sesame, or soybean powder.
110. 꿀떡[kkultteok] Rice Cakes with Honey inside
Round, colorful rice cakes containing soft honey centers.
111. 백설기[baekseolgi] Snow-White Rice Cakes
Steamed rice cakes.
112. 약식[yaksik] Sweet Rice with Nuts and Jujubes
Steamed glutinous rice made with chestnuts, jujubes, pine nuts and cinnamon, in a honey and soy sauce seasoning.
113. 화전[hwajeon] Flower Rice Cakes
Round, flat, glutinous rice cakes, decorated with edible flowers. They are often served with syrup.
114. 강정[gangjeong] Sweet Rice Puffs
Sweet, hollow puffs made with glutinous rice flour and liquor. They are coated in honey and other ingredients, such as black bean, sesame seed, cinnamon, and pine nuts.
115. 다식[dasik] Tea Confectionery
Sumptuous treats made with pine pollen or mung bean flour, and served with tea.
116. 약과[yakgwa] Honey Cookies
Deep-fried cookies made with flour, sesame oil, Korean liquor, and honey.
117. 녹차[nokcha] Green Tea
Tea made using the youngest and greenest leaves.
118. 매실차[maesilcha] Asian Apricot Tea
Sweetened Asian apricot concentrate, diluted with hot or cold water to make a refreshing tea.
119. 수정과[sujeonggwa] Cinnamon Punch
A classic, sweet punch, flavored with ginger, cinnamon, and persimmon.
120. 식혜[sikhye] Rice Punch
A traditional, sweet-tasting drink made with malt and rice. It is also known as dansul. Always served cold.
121. 오미자화채[omija-hwachae] Omija Punch
A pink, sweet-and-sour punch made from omija (magnolia fruit) decorated with Korean pear and pine nuts.
122. 유자차[yujacha] Citron Tea
Sweetened citron concentrate, diluted with hot or cold water to make a refreshing tea.
123. 인삼차[insamcha] Ginseng Tea
Traditional tea made from ginseng. A drop of honey is often added.
124. 한정식[hanjeongsik] Traditional Korean Set Menus
or Korean Table d'Hote


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2010.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#807744
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