2주만 철저하게 외우면 오픽 무조건 IM 보장하겠습니다!!!(개정판)
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2주만 철저하게 외우면 오픽 무조건 IM 보장하겠습니다!!!(개정판)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 자기 소개
2. 친구 소개
3. 가족 소개
4. 집
5. 동네와 이웃
6. 집안일
7. 동네 기억사건
8. 학교
9. 수업 및 수강
10. 프로젝트
11. 수강신청
12. 학교 기억사건
13. 영화관&공연
14. 콘서트
15. 클럽
16. 해변 가기
17. 음악 듣기
18~19. 혼자, 그룹으로 노래하기
20. 공원 가기
21~22. 걷기, 조깅하기
23~24. 혼자, 어른들과 게임하기
25. 집에서 보낸 휴가

게임, 명절&친척, 지형, 치과, 쇼핑, 건강, 날씨, 독서, 식당, 신분증, 약속, 은행, Technology, 인터넷 서핑

8~25번까지 각 주제에 맞는 롤-플레이가 최신경향으로 들어가 있습니다.


imes a day.
인터넷으로 물건 구입
Have you experienced that you bought some items via internet?
Yes, I always buy books online. they are almost 30% off than shops. Before buying them, I visit the nearest bookstore in the neighborhood to read the first chapter of books.
if I want to buy any of them, I log in the web-site of the bookstore. then I pay with a credit card.
인터넷 쇼핑 문제
Have you experienced any problem with the purchase you made online?
What do you do to get it fixed?
I have had some problems purchasing things online. one time I ordered a pair of pants through the internet. When I received the clothing, it was too big for me to wear.
So I called the company and I told them that I would like a refund.
So then I had to repackage it and sent it back.
The most useful technology I use these days is a smart phone.
I use my phone every day, and bring it everywhere.
I usually communicate with my friends via text messages or social networking sites such as cyworld or facebook. sometimes I listen to music, watch videos, read news. Even though I’m not good with machines, my smart phone is very convenient and easy to use.
학교 tech
Our campus provides free Wi-Fi service to use the internet.
we can browse the website to find information for our homework.
I also use a computer to reserve a seat at the library.
In addition, using the online registration system, I can register for classes conveniently from my house without visiting the campus.
tech 변화
There have been big changes in technology from the past to the present.
A few decades ago, the telephone and postal mail were the only means to convey the news. But, nowadays, you can communicate with others by sending e-mails, using a cell phone, or chatting on the internet.
Technology is still constantly changing.
In the future, I think everything will be done via voice control.
돌발 TV시청
what kind of TV program do you like to watch? why do you like it?
My favorite TV program are reality shows. I like watching reality shows because I can be totally relaxed while watching them. I don’t want to think about anything when I’m watching TV and those reality shows are just great for relaxing.
프로그램 고르는 기준
How do you select a TV program?
I like to watch TV programs that can release my stress and give me enjoyment.
I don’t want to think about my problems or concerns while watching TV.
I just want to laugh out loud and forget about things.
That’s why I only watch comedy and reality shows.
TV 프로그램 변화
my interest in TV shows has changed a lot during the last five years.
I never had interest in watching news on TV because I couldn’t find direct connection between the economy or society and me. But now, I ended up watching news instead of watching entertainment shows.
잊을 수 없는 기억
Eva 질문
I usually watch TV in the evenings.
When do you usually watch TV?
What is your favorite show and who is your favorite character in that show?
why do you like the program so much?
Could you tell me what the show is about?


오픽,   opic,   돌발,   롤플레이,   im,   4-4,   후기,   자료
  • 가격5,000
  • 페이지수60페이지
  • 등록일2013.01.30
  • 저작시기2013.2
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#829758
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