[영어문법/요약정리] 원서 `The Teacher`s Grammar of English`의 Chapter5. Negation - 4. Nonverbal Negation & 5. Problems That ESL/EFL Students Have with Negation
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[영어문법/요약정리] 원서 `The Teacher`s Grammar of English`의 Chapter5. Negation - 4. Nonverbal Negation & 5. Problems That ESL/EFL Students Have with Negation에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


4. Nonverbal Negation
1) Negative Words
2) \"Doble Negatives\" with Negative Words
3) Negative/Positive Polarity Items Compared with Negative Words
4) Not in Nonverbal Negation
5) Negative Affixes

5. Problems That ESL/EFL Students Have with Negation
1) Primary Verb Negation
2) Secondary Verb Negation
3) Double Negatives


국어의 영향으 로 범하게 되는 문법적 오류들.
1. Primary Verb Negation
2. Secondary Verb Negation
- Learners use do + not correctly in main clauses, but they make an error in complements in which secondary verb negation is required.
ex) Nevertheless, the practice of sports along the campus installations
can help foreign students to don't become segregate.
3. Double Negatives
Suggestions for Teaching Negation
  • 가격6,000
  • 페이지수3페이지
  • 등록일2013.02.17
  • 저작시기2012.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#831197
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