국제무역사준비 무역영어 무역거래제의
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해당 자료는 5페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
5페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


국제무역사준비 무역영어 무역거래제의에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 무역거래 시장조사
2. 무역시장조사의 내용.
3. 전자상거래 알선시스템
4. 적중예상문제


porters of Computer parts in Korea.
④ We would like to introduce ourselves as the leading exporters of Computer parts in Korea.
21. 다음 무역통신문의 내용을 설명한 것을 찾으시오.
Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, we should be able to do a considerable import business with you.
① 계약제안 ② 오퍼제안③ 도매상제안 ④ 수입제한
22. 다음 무역통신문과 관련이 있는 것은?
We would like to inform you that Mr. Han Chang-Hee has been appointed Director of Marketing, replacing Mr. Lee Jin-Hoo.
① Business Proposal ② Business Inquiry
20. ④ 21. ④ 22. ④
③ Circular Letter ④ Credit Information
23. 다음 무역통신문 중 밑줄친 부분을 바르게 영작한 것을 찾으시오.
당사는 전자제품 및 건설장비의 수출업체로서 약 40년의 사업경력을 갖고 있으며 휴대용 전자계산기 PSC 3039E와 같은 각종 전자제품을 수출하고 싶습니다.
① the background of 40 year old
② 40 years’ business background
③ the background of 40 year
④ 40 year’s business credit
24. 다음 중 Business Letter의 Courtesy면에서 가장 잘된 것은?
① We regret to decline your order because of a rush of orders from overseas.
② We regret to demand your early acceptance of our counter offer without fail.
③ We regret to refuse your request for reconsideration of the matter.
④ We regret to reject your proposal due to unavoidable circumstances.
25. 다음 무역통신문의 순서가 바르게 된 것을 찾으시오.
㉮ We are well-established exporters of all kinds of cotton goods and have connections with the leading manufacturers here.
㉯ For any information concerning our financial standing and reputation, Korea Exchange Bank, Seoul will provide you with the necessary information.
㉰ We thank you very much for your attention and look forward to your reply by E-mail.
㉱ We shall be grateful if you would introduce to us some reliable importers who are interested in this line of business.
① ㉰-㉯-㉱-㉮② ㉮-㉰-㉱-㉯
③ ㉮-㉱-㉯-㉰④ ㉮-㉱-㉰-㉯
26. 다음 무역통신문의 순서가 바르게 된 것을 찾으시오.
㉮ We would be obliged㉯ introduce us to
㉰ if you will kindly㉱ any capable concerns
① ㉮-㉯-㉰-㉱② ㉯-㉱-㉰-㉮
③ ㉮-㉰-㉯-㉱④ ㉮-㉰-㉱-㉯
27. ② 28. ④ 29. ② 30. ①
23. ② 24. ① 25. ③ 26. ③
27. 다음 무역통신문의 순서가 바르게 된 것을 찾으시오.
㉮ are on a FOB Pusan㉯ basis but CIF
㉰ prices are also available㉱ The present prices in the list
① ㉱-㉯-㉰-㉮ ② ㉱-㉮-㉯-㉰
③ ㉮-㉰-㉯-㉱ ④ ㉰-㉯-㉮-㉱
28. Business Letter의 문장으로서 적당하지 않은 것 하나를 고르시오.
① We are sure our prices are competitive in the local market.
② We are sure our products are very cheap in this area.
③ We are confident our products are inexpensive in the market.
④ We are confidence our prices are quite reasonable in the market.
29. 무역통신문으로서 적당하지 않은 것을 고르시오.
① You are large importers of various kinds of electronic products.
② You are one of large importer of various kinds of electronic products.
③ We should be able to do a considerable import business with you.
④ We are looking forward to hearing your favorable reply.
30. 다음 문장을 읽고 필요한 용어나 단어를 고르시오.
Our proposal, we hope, will fully ( ) in our defective silk fabrics which we sent you by M/S ‘Koreana’ on August 8.
① compensate you for the loss you have suffered
② compensate for you the loss you had suffer
③ compensate the loss you suffer from
④ compensated for you the loss you suffered
27. ② 28. ④ 29. ② 30. ①
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2013.04.29
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#841917
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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