쉽게 정리하는 수동태 (중학교&고등학교 영어문법, 다양한 연습문제)
본 자료는 3페이지 의 미리보기를 제공합니다. 이미지를 클릭하여 주세요.
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해당 자료는 3페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
3페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


쉽게 정리하는 수동태 (중학교&고등학교 영어문법, 다양한 연습문제)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 수동태란?

2. 수동태의 형태

3. 문장의 5형식

4. 수동태 변환 가능한 것

5. 수동태로 바꾸는 방법 & 3형식 문형의 수동태 예제

6. 4형식의 수동태 & 4형식 문형의 수동태 예제

7. 5형식의 수동태 & 5형식 문형의 수동태 예제

8. 여러가지 수동태
1) 부정문의 수동태
2) 일반의문문의 수동태
3) 의문사 의문문의 수동태
(1) 의문사가 목적어인 경우
(2) 의문사가 부사인 경우
(3) 의문사가 주어인 경우
4) 조동사를 포함하는 수동태
(1) 평서문
(2) 부정문
(3) 의문사가 없는 의문문
(4) 의문사가 있는 의문문

9. 시제에 따른 수동태
1) 진행형 수동태
2) 완료형 수동태

10. 주의해야 할 수동태
1) that절이 목적어인 수동태
(1) 가주어 it을 쓰는 경우
(2) that절의 주어를 쓰는 경우
2) 능동형 수동태
3) Have[get] + O + p.p.

11. 수동태를 쓰지 않는 경우
1) 자동사가 쓰인 문장
2) 수동태를 쓰지 않는 일부 타동사

12. 수동태 연습문제

13. 수동태 예제 & 연습문제 답


9) They asked Tom a question.

10) The police found the suspect dead.

11) He calls Hyosung, Leader of Secret a walking dictionary.

12) Did you eat lunch?

13) Who played the piano?

14) What did she send?

15) Where did she buy the jeans?

16) People say that love is all around.

17) He can speak Spanish.

18) Say it.

19) Don't say it.
20) Let me explain this.

21) Don't let her buy the bag.

22) Garam is studying English.

23) Yoona paid attention to every single detail.

24) They involved her in a quarrel.

25) Her unexpected speech surprised us.

26) I heard Marton sing a song.

27) She makes me feel special.

28) Nobody will stop my mother.

29) You should respect senior citizens.

30) They have built a new shopping mall near my house.

※ 3형식 예문 답
1) A mouse is caught by a cat.
2) America was discovered by Columbus.
3) A letter was written by me.
4) This letter was written by him.
5) He is helped by her.
6) You are liked by Everybody.
7) We are respected by Everybody.
8) This building was designed by me.
9) Dinner was cooked by Carol.
10) The car was repaired by him.
11) The baby was saved by a girl.
12) A student was hit by her.
13) English is spoken by many people.
※ 4형식 예문 답
1) I was given this book by him. / This book was given to me by him.
2) We were taught French by Mr.Johnson./French was taught to us by Mr.Johnson.
※ 5형식 예문 답
1) He was elected chairman by them.
2) She was made to happy by me.
3) He was seen to run by me.
※ 수동태 연습문제 답
1) The door was opened by her.
2) Its people are always watched by the government.
3) Pretty jars are used (by people).
4) Her brother is always helped by her.
5) His offer was refused coolly by Jane
6) He was given a secretly written letter by Lenka.
A secretly written letter was given to him by Lenka.
7) A birthday cake was sent to her friend by Mika.
8) The begger was given his coat by my father.
His coat was given to th begger by my father.
9) A question was asked of Tom (by them).
10) The suspect was found dead by the police.
11) Hyosung, Leader of Secret is called a walking dictionary by him.
12) Was lunch eaten (by you)?
13) By whom was the piano played?
14) What was sent by her?.
15) Where were the jeans bought by her?
16) It is said that love is all around (by people)
Love is said to be all around.
17) Spanish can be spoken by him.
18) Let it be said.
19) Don't let it be said
20) Let this be explained by me.
21) Don't let the bag be bought by her.
22) English is being studied by Garam.
23) Every single detail was paid attention to by Yoona
24) She was involved in a quarrel(by them)
25) We were surprised at her unexpected speech.
26) Marton was heard to sing a song by me.
27) I am made to feel special by her.
28) My mother will not be stopped by anybody.
29) Senior citizens should be respected(by you)
30) A new shopping mall has been built near my house by them.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2014.05.30
  • 저작시기2014.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#920785
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