크리스피크림도넛 마케팅 3C,SWOT,STP,4P전략분석(영문자료)
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크리스피크림도넛 마케팅 3C,SWOT,STP,4P전략분석(영문자료)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. Introduction
-Why we sellect this subject

II. Research Background(Analysis Of KKD)

II-1. Environmental Analysis
-3C (Company, Competitor, Customer)

Ⅱ-2. Krispy Kreme STP

Ⅱ-3. Krispy Kreme 4P

Ⅱ-4. Krispy Kreme SWOT (Krispy, Dunkin).
-SWOT(Krispy, Dunkin)
-5 Forces of KKD
-Balance Sheet
-Summery of Analysis

Ⅲ. Objectives for Consumers

Ⅳ. Methodology

Ⅴ. References


"Brunch" life style is ordinal to the modern people. And the common "Brunch" is Coffee & Doughnut.
*To examine the attitude toward the use of Krispy
The consumers who just want doughnuts could be everyone but the busy society don't give them time to have meal witch makes students and salarymans have doughnuts for meal. And this means the consumers take the Krispy doughnuts like a meal or snack.
-For present.
-Parties or events.
*Consumers disposition
The young population are the main consumers of the doughnut and everyone has very strong character witch means very variety disposition and the service offered are very different for each one, but the urgency of the time makes the simple and quick service bright between other services.
People wants clean and delicious meals, and Krispy has the both qualities.
*To find out consumers actual behaviors
Ⅳ. Methodology.
-Survey Strategy
Who to Survey
From teenagers to 30s
How to Survey
Giving out the structured questionnaires.
Random sampling
Size of Sample
Approx 120
12.05.08 16.05.08
Our team decided to get information about the problems that we found during SWOT analysis first. Firstly on question 1, 2, 3 we are trying to deal with brand recognition part which was a weakness we found during the SWOT analysis.
And secondly on question 4, 5, 6 we are going to find out about the customer satisfaction part which was the strength in the SWOT analysis. Obviously with this data we are going to find out how to use this strength to be more efficient and strong.
Lastly, question 7, 8 are about customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is very closely connected to "Gossip Marketing Strategy"that is emphasized in Krispy Kreme. Also customer loyalty has connection to Threat and Opportunity in the SWOT analysis.

1. Do you know a brand named "Krispy Kreme"?
1) Yes 2) No
2. If you do know, how did you first know "Krispy Kreme"?
1) Friend 2) Internet 3) Newspaper, magazine
4) PPL (in the movie or soap opera) 5) On the Street 6) others ( )
3. Is there "Krispy Kreme" around where you work or live?
1) Yes 2) No
4. Why do you go to "Krispy Kreme"?
1) Taste 2) Price 3) Mood 4) Curiosity
5) Near from work or house 6) Friend
7) Others ( )
5. What does Krispy Kreme satisfy you the most?
1) Brand 2) Accessibility 3) Hygiene
4) Taste 5) Interior 6) Mood
7) Others ( )
6. What stays in your memory the most about "Krispy Kreme"?
1) Selling Dozen 2) Donut Theatre 3) Taste of Donut
4) Free Donut 5)"Hot Now" System 6)Others ( )
7. Do you usually recommend food to other people?
1) Yes 2) No
8. Are you going to keep going to "Krispy Kreme"?
1) Yes 2) No
-Thank you for your time-
Ⅴ. References
고객이 고객을 부른다. 충성고객 이렇게 만든다. - 질그리핀, 세종서적
보랏빛 소가 온다. - Seth Godin, 재인
입소문 마케팅의 모든 것. walt.egloos.com
삼성경제 연구소 http://www.seri.org
Dunkin Donut Homepage http://www.dunkindonuts.co.kr
Mister donut Homepage http://misterdonut.co.kr
Krispy Kreme Homepage http://www.krispykreme.com
Financial News http://www.fnnews.com
  • 가격3,800
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2014.07.04
  • 저작시기2014.7
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#927615
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