[국문학개론] - 외국어로서의 한국어 교재와 문법 교육의 문제점,구어 현상과 한국어 교재,한국어 교과서들에 나타난 종결형 어미
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[국문학개론] - 외국어로서의 한국어 교재와 문법 교육의 문제점,구어 현상과 한국어 교재,한국어 교과서들에 나타난 종결형 어미에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 구어 현상과 한국어 교재
1.1. -어/아 가지고
1.2. 격조사 비실현/생략 현상
1.3. ‘그렇다’의 ‘하다’ 교체 현상
1.4. 대조를 표현하는 연결어미와 접속사

2. 한국어 교과서들에 나타난 종결형 어미



e, aspect, and modality: adiscourse-pragmatic analysis of verbal affixes in Korean from a typological perspective. UCLA Ph.D Disseration.
Lee, Hyo Sang(1993), “Cognitive constraints on expressing newly perceived information, with reference to epistemic modal suffixes in Korean?”, Cognitive Linguistics 4.2.
Lee, Hyo Sang(1999), “A discourse-pragmatic analysis of the Committal -ci in Korean: a synthetic approach to the form-meaning relation.” Journal of Pragmatics 31.
Lee, Hyo Sang(2000), “Discourse-pragmatics of adversative connectives: A Comparison among Korean, English, and Japanese.” A paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Korean Linguistics, July 13-15, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
Lee, Hyo Sang and Sandra A. Thompson(1989), “A discourse account of the Korean accusative marker”, Studies in Language 13-1.
Park, Yong-Yae(1997), A cross-linguistic study of the use of contrastive connectives in English, Korean, and Japanese conversation. UCLA Ph.D. dissertation.
Park, Yong-Yae(1999), “The Korean connective neunte in conversational discourse”, Journal of Pragmatics 31.
Problems and Issues in Teaching Grammar and Korean Language Textbooks
Lee, Hyo Sang
It has been generally agreed that Korean language education should follow that (1) spoken language should be given priority (2) more frequent expressions should be taught first over less frequent ones, (3) material that can easily be learned must be taught first over more complex material, and (4) semantic and pragmatic functions of expressions with similar meaning need to be clearly delineated such that students learn their correct usage.
This paper discusses how Korean language textbooks deal with spoken language and the frequency of expressions in actual and natural discourse in their curriculum design. First, I considered 4 well-known spoken language phenomena in Korean, (i) ~e/a kaciko, (ii) omission of case particles, (iii) colloquial forms of indirect discourse, and (iv) uses of contrastive conjunctions and connectives, and investigated how 8 widely used Korean language textbooks present them. Second, I investigated whether the 8 textbooks reflect the frequency of sentence-ending suffixes in spoken language in their presentation.
Mainly due to the lack of study of spoken language in Korean linguistics and to an emphasis on standardization of Korean grammar among Korean grammarians, Korean language textbooks do not sufficiently reflect most natural spoken language and thus present unnatural dialogues and do not provide adequate explanation on different forms with similar meanings. In order to develop good Korean language textbook material, more research on spoken language needs to be done. Particularly needed are discourse-pragmatic analysis and conversation analysis of Korean language to give a sound foundation on Korean language education. (Indiana University)
[Key Words] Korean language education of grammar, spoken language, frequency, Korean language textbooks
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2014.10.21
  • 저작시기2014.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#942830
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