[국문학개론] 한국, 베트남어 대비를 통한 문법 교육,한국어 문법 교육 현황, 한국어,베트남어 문법 대비 분석,베트남어의 생성 과정
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[국문학개론] 한국, 베트남어 대비를 통한 문법 교육,한국어 문법 교육 현황, 한국어,베트남어 문법 대비 분석,베트남어의 생성 과정에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 한국어 문법 교육 현황

2. 한국어․베트남어 문법 대비 분석
 2.1. 베트남어의 생성 과정
 2.2. 음절의 비교
 2.3. 음운의 비교
  2.3.1. 자음 비교 초성체계 베트남어 자음 종성체계
  2.3.2. 모음 비교
  2.3.3. 음운의 변동
  2.3.4. 품사와 단어의 비교 단어의 분류와 조어법
  2.3.5. 한자어 비교
  2.3.6. 시제 비교
  2.3.7. 억양
  2.3.8. 어순 비교
  2.3.9. 국어의 로마자 표기법은 베트남 학습자에게 적합한가?

참고 자료


uan LamLe Mu Han(2005), Di cng Lch s Vit Nam, Nxb. Giao dc.
A Study on Korean Grammar Teaching in Vietnam
Universities and Contrastive Linguistic Analysis
of Korean with Vietnamese Language
Cho, Myeong Sook
Since 1994 when HoChiMinh National University established Korean Studies Department and began to study and teach Korean studies, Korean Language Teaching methods and interests have been developed rapidly and popularly among teachers and students. At present in Vietnam, nine Universities are running Korean Studies Department for their four year bachelor(B.A) course and other five Universities are teaching Korean Language as an optional foreign language in their course.
Korean Language in Vietnam Universities is being studied and taught in four sections :Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading. At the first stage when Korean Studies Department was just established and opened, Korean Grammar was taught mainly during the writing class. It was not separated yet at the first stage. But nowadays in the most of all the Vietnam Universities, they are teaching Korean Grammar as an independent and separated subject. This means that they recognize Grammatical Competence is very important in Korean Language Learning and also Korean Language learners are much needy for grammatical knowledge.
However until now, Korean Grammar has been taught mainly through the Grammar Translation Methods, which has caused Korean Language learners to recognize Korean Grammar is an very difficult subject. Meanwhile, when teaching Korean grammar in Vietnam, if applying Contrastive Linguistic Methods on Korean with Vietnamese Language and researched analysis results of similarities and dissimilarities between two languages, it will surely be much helpful and effective educational methods for Korean Grammar teaching and leaning alike. Therefore, for studying the more helpful and effective educational methods, this thesis is focused on the comparison between two languages and analysis of the similarities and dissimilarities between Korean and Vietnamese Grammar.
In concrete, the following parts are being presented in this study: each comparison and analysis results of Consonant, Vowel System, Character, Word, Park of Speech, Sino-Korean and Sino-Vietnamese between Korean and Vietnamese Languages. Also the transcription suitable for the Vietnamese Korean-language learners is suggested.
Especially, teaching the phoneme contrastive rules in Sino words origin is much helpful for the learners to remember and memorize Sino-Korean words much easier and correctly. Continuous contrastive linguistic study results between Korean and Vietnamese Languages will surely be much helpful and effective in Korean grammar teaching classes for the teachers and learners alike. It will also be more essential and helpful for the development of Korean Grammar text books for the Vietnamese learning Korean.
[Key Word] grammar teaching, contrastive linguistic analysis, sino-Korean, Vietnamese
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2014.10.21
  • 저작시기2014.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#942846
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