무조건부모형(unconditional model), 학교내 모형(within-school model), 학교간 모형(between-school model)
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무조건부모형(unconditional model), 학교내 모형(within-school model), 학교간 모형(between-school model) 에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 무조건부모형(unconditional model)

2. 학교내 모형(within-school model)

3. 학교간 모형(between-school model)



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A Longitudinal Analysis of Middle School Teachers' Administrative Burden:
An HLM Analysis of KELS
Yang, Jung-Ho(Sungkyunkwan University)
Using the Korea Education Longitudinal Study(KELS) data of 6710 students in 150 schools in Korea, this study investigated how student and teacher factors influence the trends of middle school students' academic achievement over three years. To accomodate the nested structure of the data and research questions, the study used the Hierarchical Linear Modeling(HLM) methods to estimate school effects on academic achievement. We found that students and schools varied in terms of initial average academic achievement in 2005(1st grade) and annual growth rate of academic achievement over three years of middle school. Schools and students both contributed significantly to academic achievement of middle school students. At each of student and school levels, average parents' education level, school size, school type, school location, and school-level teachers' administrative burden had the significant strong effects on academic achievement. Suggestions and implications of conducting a future study on teachers' administrative burden on students' academic achievement are also discussed.
* Key words: teachers' administrative burden, academic achievement, longitudinal analysis, Korea Education Longitudinal Study, HLM
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2014.10.21
  • 저작시기2014.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#942863
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