1-1-2 의약학용어(MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY) (Cardiovascular System, Urinary System, Nervous System, Skeletal System, Combining forms, Prefixes and Terminology)
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1-1-2 의약학용어(MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY) (Cardiovascular System, Urinary System, Nervous System, Skeletal System, Combining forms, Prefixes and Terminology)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


4.29MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Cardiovascular System
● Cardiovascular System
● Cardiovascular System – Terminology
● Cardiovascular System – Organ & Functions
● Cardiovascular System – Diagnostic and laboratory tests
● Cardiovascular System – Useful abbreviations
● Cardiovascular System – Pathology
● Cardiovascular System – Exercises

5.13 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Urinary System
● Urinary System
● Urinary System – Anatomy
● Urinary system – Terminology
● Urinalysis
● Urinary system – Diagnostic and laboratory tests
● Urinary system – Pathology

5.13 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Nervous System
● Nervous System – Anatomy
● Nervous System – Brain
● Nervous System – Spinal cord

5.20 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Nervous System
● Neuron
● Nervous system – Terminology
● Nervous system – Pathology
● Nervous system – Pathology

5. 20 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Skeletal System
● Skeletal System – Anatomy
● Skeletal system
● Skeletal System – Anatomy
● Skeletal System – Anatomy (5.27 test)
● Skeletal System – Functions of Bones

5. 28 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Combining forms
● Combining forms I
● Combining forms Ⅱ
● Diagnostic Suffixes
● Procedural Suffixes

6.3 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Prefixes and Terminology
● Prefixes and Terminology
● Urinalysis : Urine + Analysis
● Major endocrine glands and selected hormones
● Endoscopies
● Pharmacology


4.29MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Cardiovascular System

● Cardiovascular System

│ Systemic circulation  │ 체순환
│ Pulmonary circulation │ 폐순환
│ Aorta         │ 대동맥
│ Four chambered pump  │ Left atrium          │ 좌심방
│             │ Left ventricle         │ 좌심실
│             │ Right atrium          │ 우심방
│             │ Right ventricle        │ 우심실
│ Heart valves      │ Tricuspid valve        │ 삼첨판
│             │ pulmonary valve        │ 폐동맥판
│             │ Bicuspid valve (mitral valve) │ 이첨판
│             │ Aortic valve          │ 대동맥판
│ Three layers      │ Endocardium          │ 심내막
│             │ Myocardium           │ 심근
│             │ Pericardium          │ 심막

 ≪ … 중 략 … ≫

5. 20 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY / Nervous System

● Neuron

  ≪ 그 림 ≫

│     Organ     │ Korean
│ Dendrite       │ 수상돌기
│ Myelin sheath     │ 미엘린 수초
│ Soma(Cell body)    │ 세포체(체세포)
│ Axon         │ 축색돌기
│ Nucleus        │ 세포핵
│ Axon terminal button │ 종말단추

● Nervous system – Terminology

│ Word    │ Meaning         │ Terminlogy  │ Korean
│ Cerebell/o │ Cerebellum        │ Cerebella   │ 소뇌
│ Cerebr/o  │ Cerebrum         │ Cerebral   │ 뇌의
│ Encephal/o │ Brain          │ Encephalitis │ 뇌염
│ Medull/o  │ Medulla oblongata(연수) │ Medullary   │ 수질의
│ Myel/o   │ Spinal cord       │ Myelitis   │ 척수염
│ Neur/o   │ Nerve          │ Neuropathy  │ 신경학적 병질
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수22페이지
  • 등록일2014.10.09
  • 저작시기2014.4
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#949171
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