[A+영어-영문레포트] Richard Branson 버진기업의 글로벌화 과정, 마케팅
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[A+영어-영문레포트] Richard Branson 버진기업의 글로벌화 과정, 마케팅에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Richard Branson’s Childhood and influences.
3. Richard Branson the young entrepreneur, and Virgin the young company
4. Virgin Atlantic: a crazy expansion
5. Why should Richard Branson globalize?
6. How did they start globalization?
7. Richard Branson launches since Virgin Airlines from now
8. Conclusion
9. Sources



 Nowadays, the word “globalization” is become very familiar with us. By principles of capitalism, the current market is dominated by huge global companies, and they are still expanding their business to various fields. In this sense, globalization looks like an indispensable, ultimate goal for the entrepreneurs. If so, how can we become global in this situation?

 Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group, has found the answer of this question. He quit his school when he was seven-teen years old, but now he owns twenty companies even including space shuttle business. Hundreds of exceptional attempts have been actualized by him and they are turned into his huge success. Now no one can have a doubt about his career.

 Looking through his case, therefore, we are going to study how to penetrate into a market system and how to be global from local business for the young entrepreneurs. Let’s find out from his life, attitude, overcoming obstacles, and business strategy.

Richard Branson’s Childhood and influences.

 - How Richard Branson was as a kid/teenager, what was his profile that made him the great business that we know today ?

 Branson was born in Blackheath in London, the eldest of three children. His father, Edward James Branson (1918-2011) was a barrister and Eve Branson, his mother (born 1924), a former ballet dancer and air hostess. Branson has two younger sisters. His grandfather, the Right Honourable Sir George Arthur Harwin Branson, was a judge of the High Court of Justice and a Privy Councilor.
  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2015.05.04
  • 저작시기2015.2
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#966232
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