[영어,영문 마케팅 사례 Strategic Marketing] 참이슬의 전략적 마케팅 Strategic Marketing in Chamisul (참이슬 마케팅 사례 영문)
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[영어,영문 마케팅 사례 Strategic Marketing] 참이슬의 전략적 마케팅 Strategic Marketing in Chamisul (참이슬 마케팅 사례 영문)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Introduction
 - Choice Background
2. Brand Analysis
 - JinRo · 참이슬
 - Soju Market
 - Competitors
3. Consumer Survey
4. 4P · STP Strategy
5. Marketing Strategy
 - Long-term · Short-term marketing
 - New marketing
6. Conclusion
7. Reference


h a small investment
in the case of 참이슬 본가 they need to big invest because they need to establish a shopI made new concept soju Bar with small investment according to one study someone who dislike a bitter taste of 소주 drink smooth fruit liquor. It's a new marketing for who can't drink a bitter 소주
First, Make Cocktail bar at university town beside hope and restaurant using small space
← bar design
Customer can make and choose mixed fruit Cocktail soju It's gonna be cheap Because 참이슬 head office provide all of ingredient and they make hammer new concept home to customer
1) 참이슬 Company can break classical image and make customer want make their own fruit soju.
2) Someone who always drink fruit soju and can choose their own fruit Soju.
3) It's a new experience.
( I chose the fruit can make soju It's a fresh new concept )
2) Make membership system
1) membership customer can get always 5% discount
2) membership customer use Cocktail bar 10 times freely
They can get free coupon using stamp system
3) Birthday event
Birthday membership customer can get free coupon (use freely )
3) Advertise Street event & Sales promotion
1) Free fruit soju tasting event
2) Give the Chamyiseul Bar one time free coupon
It is true that Chamyiseul Company stands unchallenged in the liquor market 처음처럼 were late coming into the market of liquor But 처음처럼 that is only company on the liquor market threaten Chamyiseul company People have different tastes and appears how to buy a wide range of liquor also each year change a drinking culture of consumption Since entering freshmen Chamyiseul company's goal is to differentiate the brand image the other goal is sales rise throught new concept drinking culture I think that in a competitive market, benefits of the differentiate service would get pleasure as well as consumption of alcohol
6. Conclusion
Chamyiseul a share of the current course is ranked one. Best Product Awards, and meantime, I hydrate milestone achieved was due to price advantages can be highlighted. Although slightly different wording of chamyiseul burned bamboo and Finland, and the taste of pure fructose determined according to the wind, like Well clean and prices competitive with these things appeal to consumers who have served as a competitor for the same product thundered 10,000 Because of such boards and local shochu chase market share is gradually declining trend. Need to differentiate from competitors at the championship will become a core competency required to maintain the status is Tues.
7. Reference
진로그룹 http://www.jinro.com/
참이슬fresh http://www.chamisulfresh.com/
처음처럼 http://www.soju.co.kr/notice/archive_list.asp
동아일보 보도자료 - 2008. 11. 16
머니투데이 보도자료 - 2008. 8. 25
머니투데이 보도자료 - 2008. 9. 24
중앙일보 경제 보도자료 - 2008. 11. 13
주류산업에서의 신제품마케팅 전략에 관한연구 : 소주 신제품을 중심으로
(임규석, 중앙대 국제경영대학원, 2007 마케팅)
회사의 운명을 결정하는 서비스 마케팅, 新 마케팅 믹스(장혜전 지음)
고객 만족을 넘어 고객가치를 경영하라(이유제, 허태학 지음)
'부산서 소주 돈내고 마시면 바보' 한국경제신문(09.5.26)
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2015.05.17
  • 저작시기2015.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#967912
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